Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting Back

Gentle Friends I wanted to thank you all so much for your kind comments and condolences.  I am getting back to things - I have 100's of emails that I know will take quite a while for me to answer.

The last couple of weeks were a roller coaster of feelings and emotions.

Since I haven't picked up a needle since 11/17 I really have nothing in that department to show....  but I will be back at some point.

Thanks again, and Take care,


  1. Edgar, take care of yourself and those memories will heal your heart. It is tough to lose a parent and especially one that you were close too. Thanks for sharing that great picture...just looking at it makes me smile and I know it does you too. Prayers are with you at this time. Just remember the needle soothes the soul!!! pam in iowa

  2. I am soooo very sorry for your loss. I know you will be on that roller coaster of emotions for a long while. Prayers for peace....

  3. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    Don't worry about all the e-mails, just take it slow and relax...we all understand.

    Blessings always

  4. Good to see you back Edgar, I hope all is well. Take care.

  5. ((((((((HUGS)))))) for you dear Edgar. I have been thinking of you. Prayers of strength have and will be said for you.I know there are no words that can ease your pain but please know so many of us are thinking and praying for you.


  6. Dearest Edgar: I am so sad for your loss, I am sure your Beautiful Mother is in heaven and enjoying her renewed life.

    Blessings to you


  7. Welcome back!Don't worry about answering e-mails, everyone is behind. I hope you are feeling better!AriadnefromGreece!

  8. Oh Edgar, I'm glad to hear you're back safe and sound. You have been in my thoughts and prayers these past many days.

  9. Take care dear..sending you lots of hugs x

  10. Take your time Edgar, and know that we are always here for you!

  11. Please know we will all still be here when you get back. Take all the time you need. Hugs.

  12. Edgar,
    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Take as much time as you need we will be waiting here for your return.


  13. I just saw the post about your mom. I am so sorry for your loss. She looks like she was a lot of fun to be with. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs....

  14. Glad to see that you are back. Your blog was missed! Take care.

  15. Oh Edgar, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother passing away! I wish you have good memories of her and are able to bring them to mind when you miss her.

  16. Dear edgar - So glad to have you back. My sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mom. I know she is with you, though. My best to all of you now.

  17. Edgar,

    Hang in there! I was in the same situation nearly a year ago when my father died. I didn't stitch for two months or so, and much to my surprise, and horror, after so long I didn't even miss it. That worried me. I had to force myself to get back in the stitching groove. I just did a little at a time, and now I'm back to my old stitching self. It took me longer to get back into designing, but I think I'm finally there. Hang in there....

  18. Edgar - there is no schedule or imposed time limit for grief, nor should there be. Thinking of you.

  19. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, Edgar. It's never easy, but this is a harder time of year, I think, to loose someone you love so very much. I miss my Dad every day and it's been quite a few years.

    In my prayers for some peace to your and your loved ones' hearts.

    :0) Sherry

  20. I have thought of you often during this time, wondering how you are faring. I lost my mom when I was in college, so I understand the heartbreak you are going through. I know there is a big mom-shaped hole in your heart right now. Hugs.

  21. Dear Edgar, so nice to "hear" your voice again. Know that we are all here for you and that we are patient!! Take your time. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  22. So glad you are back! We missed you. Just remember time is your best friend now. Take all you need.

  23. Keeping you in my prayers {{{HUGS}}}

  24. It's good to have you back Edgar. Just take it easy and revel in your mom's sweet memories. Am sure you will pick up the needle when you feel like.

  25. Glad to see you back and a note from you Edgar. Just take your time getting back to the routine, while you revel in your mom's memories.

  26. Edgar, I am glad to see you back. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. It took me awhile to get my life back on track and even to this day, I still have grieving periods. Hang in there, take care of yourself and let it all run it's course. You are in my thoughts.

  27. I have read your blog and commented maybe a few times, but I feel like I need to tell you that you are not alone. My father passed away very quickly as well on October 24. I know how it feels right now, and I just don't know what else to say other than it's such a weird feeling. If you want to vent, I am here.

  28. Edgar, it is so difficult to deal with the passing of ones loved one especially a Mom. Sending you prayers and good thought to carry you through this time of mourning. So take care.

  29. Edgar, take all the time you need. Losing a parent is life changing. Take care of yourself. Keeping you in my thoughs and prayers.

  30. We all miss you and send our contiunted sympathies. Glad to see your getting back. Love Ya

  31. Oh Edgar.....I am so sorry to hear about your loss! Take care of yourself and give yourself some time to mourn...to remember fond memories.......to appreciate all your blessings

  32. {{{Edgar}}} - once again, I am so sorry for your loss.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...