Friday, May 11, 2012

Some Stitching and Some Stashing

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I think the Mal Ware issue is finally cleared up - I have to give a big old THANK YOU to DaffyCat for finding the offending little bit and pointing it out to me - I certainly couldn't find it...  I did try and try again, but no luck....  now I hope that everything is back on an even keel!

I have been steadily stitching away on Mary Ann the last couple of nights and last night I thought would be no different - how wrong I was!  After dozing off and waking up about 6 or so times after dinner I hauled her out and snapped her into the old Q-snaperoo and was going to work on the second line of verse....  well, I counted and stitched and looked and counted again - and the "w" just was not where it was supposed to be.  

The other night after I stitched the "vine" bit along the top  - I found that in no way shape or form was it even  - it jumps from 7 to 8 back to 7  stitches all along the way.....  A light bulb went off might the sides follow that non-conformist stitching pattern??  I went back and re-counted the vine going down the left side - where I was counting off to set the "w" in place.  I found that in my haste, or numb scullery, I stitched the vine sections all at 7 up the 7 down then 7 up then - you get the picture....... or a picture is worth a 1000 words....

So it was a frog type evening - and all the stitching had to come out, I hate to waste the silk but what had to be done had to be done...... out came the vine, the flower bits and the leaves - this early in the game better to make it right than to fudge it later on!

On another stitchity front I have slowly been acquiring more stash - like I don't have enough!! 
 Mostly things that are OOP  - here is a snap...

In the back from l to r - Dec 1992 - "Cross Stitch and Country Crafts" - for the great Noah's Ark chart, 2 Mary Garry Charts - "Autumn" & "Christmas Cookies," "Autumn Row" from Bent Creek, "Motif Sampler" from Just Cross Stitch, "Elizabeth Simon" from Scarlet Letter (I really liked this sampler as the verse is the 23rd Psalm), In the front from l to r - Goode Huswife " A Pennsylvania Alphabet Sampler." December 1989 Mary Beale "Notebook," Lavender and Lace "Mother's Tree," Pineberry Lane "Christmas Tide," and I won a great piece of Stash from Doris - Ewe and Eye and Friends "Napa Valley Sampler."  

That's about it from my little corner of the world - the weekend is supposed to be lovely here by the Bay - so I might actually get out and enjoy it a bit....  or just "numb butt' it stitching.....  who knows!!

Have a great weekend!!  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!

Take care,


  1. So happy I can finally read your wonderful blog again :)

    Happy Stitching!!!

  2. Beautiful WIP & wow, what a stash! Some of these might have to find their way into my stash as well : )

  3. Love your new/old stash and sorry about the visit from the frog. Hope tonights stitching goes a bit better for you!

  4. I have a friend who stitched the JCS Motif Sampler in the 3 different fabric and floss choices. It's a beauty! Maria S.

  5. Don't you hate that frog?! I just discovered while taking a pic of a "finish" that I have to frog out a bit and restitch.

    Great stashing! I have enough stash to last several lifetimes but it's fun to aquire more. Hence, I call myself a "collector".

  6. I love the title of your post today....I laughed...mine could be no stitching & no stashing.....I feel I have been cut completely from the cross stitch world.
    so sorry about the frog, to have to waste all that silk, but it had to be done!! The piece looks gorgeous by the way!

  7. Yay! I have not been able to get to your blog all week because of that malware thingie. I didn't know what it was and didn't want to chance it. Glad to be back in the Blacksheep fold again. Have a great weekend!

  8. Woo hoo that is STASH-O-LICIOUS!! What a great selection. As I read this post I have just left my sewing machine, bitching and griping about the "frogging" I need to do on an apron I'm making for a friend's birthday. It's all outlined in rick-rack trim and I just sewed the neckline contrast piece on BACKWARDS. I feel you pain.....

  9. oooo! Mary Garry ; ) Her patterns so awesome. I have a few of her freebee charts if you are interested.

    (Glad you are back. Missed your blog posts + pictures. )

    I have autumn row about 1/2 done + have the PA alphabet chart around here someplace. Excellent stash. Enjoy.

  10. I guess it is better to discover there is a problem early on - but frogs are never welcome. Love your stitchy stash! Looks like lots of goodies there. :)
    Enjoy your weekend. :)

  11. I'm happy that you got the malware issue straightened out!! I love your new sampler - I had to look it up because I didn't recognize. But I love the colors, but not the fact that you had to frog all that out. Love all that stash that you pick up!!

  12. So very happy you got the "thing" corrected, I have so afraid to push the ignore button.....I was afraid my son would find out and so 'Mommy!!!!!" Love your new look too, have a great weekend. Sometimes I do not frog just adjust..... I know so bad of me.

  13. You are a brave soul to continue adding to your stash ... I have cut back in the past few years and finally stopped entirely this year since I feel such pressure to stitch everything I own ... and I own way too much. Your sampler is lovely and your are now past the minor setback. As much as I dislike having to frog, I always take satisfaction in setting things right and moving on again. It's all part of the craft.

  14. Sorry about the frogging, but it happens to the best of us. Your stash acquisition makes me want to do something about my "Charts I Must Have" list!

  15. Glad to hear that you have the Malware thing straightened out.
    Wowee-wow, what a great stash haul! You always seem to find an interesting mix of pretty and interesting charts. Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. It was my pleasure to help out, Edgar!

    Egads, what a frog you had! Some miscounts you can ignore some you can't!

  17. Wow, you got a lot of new stash. Grats on all the acquisitions. I've had frogs here lately too. Sorry to hear they hopped over to your house as well!! Hope they're all gone now!

  18. Yay! The Malware warning is gone! Good ole Daffycat! What a bummer about all that frogging! Don't you hate when that happens? But it's done now, that's the important part. It looks beautiful so far too. Love all the stash too! What is it about stash acquisition? Yum! Have a great weekend!

  19. Hope the frogs are gone for the weekend. Great stash!!! You reminded me that I have that magazine with that fabulous Noah's Ark in it. :)

  20. Yes, you were definitely missed in Blogland! Glad you are back!! I jumped and whooped when I saw that Napa Valley chart! But--I don't do specialty stitches much, so guess I will pass. Lots of goodies there! Am loving the new Sampler! It will be just beautiful! Hugs!

  21. If I didn't know better, I'd think my frogs came to visit you but sadly, mine are still lurking around. I hope yours skedaddle out of your home immediately! what you've done so far looks wonderful.
    Awesome new stash, too because really, you can't have too much.

  22. Great stash! Hope the frogs are gone by now!

    Love what you have stitched so far, beautiful!


  23. I'm glad to see that the frogs are spreading their charms around!! Seriously, that's going to be a very pretty sampler!

  24. Hooray! So glad the blog issues are sorted out, I missed visiting.

  25. Hurrah...finally I can see you and your stitching...Google Chrome kept blocking me visiting you. Great stitching and fabarooni stash Edgar. Hope you both have a great weekend! xx

  26. No malware warning today!

    Great stash acquisition! Where do you tend to find your OOP charts?

    Frogs are rotten!

  27. Yuck on the frogging and yay on the stash!

  28. I hope the frogs stay well in their pond. We have sunshine here in the
    Uk today, so welcome after all the recent rain, enjoy your weekend.

  29. Recently found you through anither' stitcher's blog list, haven't commented before but I think you have a lovely blog and I've really enjoyed watching your stitching (and baking)!) progress. Hope the frogs leave you alone this weekend!

  30. Ack I hate it when the borders have wonky counting!!! Bummer on the all the frogging but I do love the colors you are using :-).

  31. Hi Edgar, Glad you have your problem...or problems....fixed. I think all of have have had to remove quite a few stitches over the years...mine usually happens when I am thinking of a design...should put it to paper first but I go right to the stitching. Will I ever learn? Probably not....I am too impatient. It's a good thing I have a never-ending supply of floss!

  32. Yay for getting the malware problem resolved - I can only imagine how frustrating that must have been for you!

    I'm sorry that the frogs came calling :(

    Have a fun weekend!

  33. WowEwowWow that's a nice haul of charts. I've been doing the same thing with my current project and expecting the repeats to be even and the same amount of stitches. But they aren't. You're right about catching it sooner and you should be good for quite a while!

  34. woo hoo I got on with no problems :) sorry to hear you had the frogs but as you say better to be now than later on .... and nice stash haul ... I've got the autumn row out of that wee stash haul
    hope you have a lovely weekend stitching :) love mouse xxxxx

  35. I hate that you had to frog, but it was fun to see your wad of threads. The colors are really pretty. You got some great stash too. Hope your weekend is lovely.

  36. Oh no, so much frogging AND with silk...gotta hate it!

    Wow, wow, wow...2 Mary Garry charts! I am so envious as she is my favorite! Lucky you. :D

  37. I betcha my frogging pile from this weekend was bigger than yours! (but much less colorful)

  38. Ugh, unstitching is definitely not my favorite activity!

    Glad to be reading you again.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...