Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reality TV?????

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the outpouring of kind comments was overwhelming!!  I do thank you all so very much.  The continued encouragement fro the Stitching-Blog Community is just the best!!!

I started on a new sampler last night but am less than enthused with my colour conversion.  I think I am going to tweak it a bit before I show it as I am probably going to frog most of the stitching I have already done....  I guess thems the breaks when you do a switch up from DMC to Belle Soie and go from some very bright choices to a more subtle palette.  

One of my guilty little pleasures I get from the TeeVee happens on Monday Nights at about 9 pm...  its RuPaul's Drag Race.  Last night was the "Reunited" wrap up show and Crowning of the "next Drag Super Star."  Now, I realize that Drag is not for everyone - I have enjoyed Drag shows for years and totally enjoy all the bitchiness that the "Drag Race" brings.  Well, last night they were down to the three last standing Drag Queens...  and Miss Sharon needles came out on the winner.....

 Sharon Needles - Queen of Shock

Congratulations to Miss Sharon!!

I also really enjoy and never miss this show on Sunday evenings....  The Amazing Race.  

I was really sad to see the Kentucky team of Mark and Bopper go home this week, but they were so beat down and so far behind I just new they wouldn't be able to catch up.  The gave 110% every episode and I was routing for them every week!!  With the teams that are left I am not sure who I would like to win...  I do know who I don't want to win, but I won't put that out here.....

So you see, I do watch some very mindless TeeVee between my marathon movie watching.  ;)

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. I too was sad that Mark & Bopper didn't make it. I was routing for them also. I don't mind telling you who I don't want to win and that is Art & JJ. They are so mean. Just saying.
    Hope your sampler turns out the way you want it too.
    Happy Stitching

  2. Mark and Bopper were a great team. I enjoyed watching them, even when they struggled. This season hasn't been too exciting in my opinion. I wish they would do an All-Stars show and bring back some of the favorite teams from the past seasons.

  3. Mindless tv can be good for the soul sometimes! ;)
    You know, I have never been to a drag show, only seen clips on tv, from what I have seen, it looks like a lot of fun! I've never seen that show either, perhaps I can catch some reruns.

  4. Oh Edgar, I watched the Drag Race too last night! My coworker actually introduced me to this show and I love watching it. Maybe someday I'll get to see a show in person! I think it would be so much fun! I agree, mindless TV is good for a person sometimes. It just makes you happy.

  5. I had never watched a show of this season's Amazing Race (I have watched other seasons) but I caught part of this one. I told the hubby, "I might have kept watching if Mark & Bopper had made it through!" I would have been happy to root for them!

  6. What? No 'Dance Moms'? Such a train wreck, I can't look away. But if I'm going to confess totally, I'll have to add 'Teen Mom' and 'Jersey Shore' to the sleeze-fest.

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches reality TV. And likes it -- I'll admit it! I was also very sad to see Mark and Bopper get eliminated from my favorite reality TV program, Amazing Race. I'm pretty sure they're my all-time favorite team.

  8. I was terribly sad that Mark & Bopper didn't make it. =( I sure hope that they get some type of financial benefit from being on this race. Clearly they were the team that needed it the most. Plus they ran a fun, clean, nice race and were never mean to each other. Love that. :)

  9. I hated to see Mark and Bopper go home, too! I was really pulling for them. That dance challenge where they practically gave Mark heat stroke was ridiculous.... Betting we don't like the same team(s)!

    I may now have to watch Drag Race... never seen it but it sure looks like it'd be interesting!

  10. I am not a fan of "reality" shows....but that being said and never having seen Drag race, I wish I could apply make up like those contestants do...amazing.

  11. Team Kentucky all the way! I was also sad to see them go- they were very fair players, and their chemistry was just a joy to watch- as opposed to all the other squabbling teams. They just supported each other 100% ALL the time, and just tried to have fun. I don't care who wins now....%^(

  12. Bopper and Mark were our favorite team too! I think they represented the best is all of us. They were always positive and encouraging of each other and we loved seeing their joy, amazement and appreciation of the different cultures. Not real thrilled with the remaining choices - it's more who we don't want to win at this point... Here's hoping Bopper and Mark come back on one of the Amazing Race "best of" race's!

    Keep working on that sampler - it will "speak to you", I promise! :)

    I agree with Mary - if I could find a GREAT wig and learn to do my make-up just the right way, I'd probably feel better about getting out of bed and facing the mirror in the morning! :)

  13. Another Mark & Bopper fan here. All of the remaining 4 teams have issues, so I'm not really vested in who wins now, although the teaser about a team reaching the end and then having to go back to finish a challenge sounds like there's going to be a great ending next week.

  14. I am an Amazing Race fan too, like traveling right from my couch. I was sad too when that team got the boot. I was so hoping that even though they were bringing up the end of the race, with the fast forward it would keep them in it.

  15. I was rooting for Sharon to win. I thought this season was great and can't wait for next season.....why should we have to wait? lol


  16. I loved your comment Edgar. I'm always messing around with the colors on a sampler! Our house, when it comes to TV ,I call it police drama paradise!!! That's why I cross stitch all evening!

  17. I can't wait to see the new sampler that you are working on. Can I ask you what "going to frog most of the stitching" means? I've never heard that before.

  18. Shores is just gorgeous! Congratulations on finishing it up. I'm a big fan of Amazing Race too and hated to see the KY boys go home. I was hoping that the fast forward would get them ahead of the Border Patrol guys. I wouldn't mind seeing them go home.

  19. I am so glad that Sharon Needles won! She is very different and edgy. I loved Latrice Royale too :) Now that this is over I am also watching America's Best Dance Crew.
    Yea! for guilty pleasures!

  20. Hello Edgar. Your Shores is awesome! Congrats on the finish. I just love reading about all your stitching and cooking. I have been a lurker on your blog for some time now and have finally started one of my own. Please stop by if you get a chance. :-)


    Thanks, Vanessa

  21. I *love* Drag Race, but I don't get to watch it often. I have never seen an episode of Amazing Race, but they talk about it here in the office so I keep up with it.

  22. I cancelled my cable-TV subscription nearly 20 years ago and haven't seen any commercial TV since that time ... unless I bought or rented TV-on-DVD collections. So, I am not familiar with any of the shows you mentioned. But your post did inspire me to add Victor! Victoria! to my Netflix queue, just to see the wonderful "stage act" turns performed by Julie Andrews.

  23. I love RuPaul's Drag Race too :) I wish I looked as good as some of them did!


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...