Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Really Terrific Film

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends it is Thursday Morning which means that Friday is just around the corner...  woo hoo!!! It's cold hear and gonna rain (supposedly) later on today.... typical weather here by the Bay.

Last night, in addition to a great film, I hauled out the new sampler I'm working on and made some decisions....  1. I was not happy with the colours - still loving the Belle soie as I always do - but not the combination of colours....and  2.  Really not very happy with the way it looks on the linen - although it's a great piece of 36ct "Vintage Magnolia" - so I knew I needed to do something drastic before I got much further into this piece - I scrapped the whole darn thing!!  I dug around again in the linen stash, pulled out a great piece of 36ct "Days Gone By" and changed out 4 more of the silks and re-started the border.  Needless to say I am now way happy and will stitch on in over the weekend and have a snap on Monday.  Sometimes you just got to start over!!

Now, the film last night was a newish DVD from Netflix - W.E. - 2011 - Starring  Abbie Cornish, James D'Arcy, Andrea Riseborough and Oscar Isaac. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this film and loved the way Madonna (Director) blended both stories of the past and the present together.  I also loved it when both the past and present bumped up against each other.  Although this film might not be for everyone and it is not a bio-pic by any stretch of the imagination - it is very interesting and beautifully shot.  The locations, costumes and acting are all top notch.  I think that all the actors playing playing historical personalities did a marvelous job capturing the essence of their characters.  Here is the Trailer for the film.....

I would recommend it knowing that it may not be for everyone, 
but I thought it was a really terrific film!!


That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  

Only 5 more days to sign up for my 5th Blogaversary Gift-a-way Drawing.....

Take care,


  1. This looks very interesting. I don't remember ever hearing about this movie ~ so thanks for sharing!

  2. there was much talking about W.E. during the Berlinale this February.. it's still on my watchlist, thanks for reminding me about it..
    I'm experiencing the same unease feeling with Workbasket's Quaker Sampler.. I'm happy with Lakeside linens (as usually) I'm happy with GAST (as usually) but when I put everything together.. naaaa.. I know there'll be some frogging, but I have to get rid of this puzzled face I get every time I pick it up..!
    happy xxx, chiara

  3. I agree Edgar - sometimes you have to start something over. I look forward to hearing about what you finally decided on and seeing a picture on Monday.

    The trailer WE looks very good. I'll be putting that in the Que for sure! Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. Sounds like something I'd like. I'll check it out! Thanks!

  5. Thanks for sharing the trailer for WE. I would love to see that! Don't remember ever hearing about it though.......

    Good luck with the "start over". It happens to us all!!

  6. I had not heard of this movie before. Thanks for the recommendation. Can't wait to see the new picture on Monday.

  7. Edgar, Can't wait to see your sampler update. You are right, no need to stitch something you aren't happy with. I love Days Gone By linen. It's such a wonderful color to work with. Thanks for the movie review, maybe I'll get a chance to take it in this weekend. Happy Stitching!

  8. Ahh, yess... I saw something about that movie a while back and it made me think that I had never even been taught about that in school growing up in SF! I actually looked it up online to check if it really happened because they sure weren't including it in our history books! I think I will watch it, now that you have reminded us! I look forward to seeing your new sampler! Hugs!

  9. Thanks for the review on W/E. So funny, I have been watching each week in hopes it was coming to my theater, i had been wanting to see it ever since I saw the trailer, and it is already on DVD! LOL Thanks for the heads up. Looking forward to seeing your sampler. Enjoy your evening!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...