Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Santa Ornament

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks for stopping in today - An exchange I sent has reached it destination and now I can post a snap....  I took part in the Prairie Schooler Ornament Round recently over on the HOE.  Here is a shot...

This little guy is from "Prairie Year II" - Book 23 - December.  I do love the Santa's that PS turns out and with the little teddy bear peaking out how could I pass!!  May partner on the receiving end was Anne over at Feather Stitching - stop on over at her blog.....  she does some lovely work!!

Last night I sat a fussed with my newest sampler stitching and switched out some silks and I think I am getting to where I am happier with it, but not all the way there.  So there is more switcheroos tonight and maybe, just maybe by the end of the week I will show a little snap.

There you go sports fans - short and sweet - keeping with today's Post theme..... there are only 236 Days left until Christmas.......  Ho Ho Ho!!!

Take care,


  1. Only 236 days left!? I've already started to accumulate some hand-made gifties. I guess I'm ahead of the game. It must be this new high-speed connection freeing up all my time. Ha Ha, I mean Ho,Ho.

  2. The only preparation for Christmas I have made thus far has been to pull the DMC for Teresa Wentzler's Woodland Angel Christmas stocking which I plan on stitching for my grandson.

  3. I love Christmas!! Your ornament is so lovely. I am going to head over to your swap partner's page and check it out.

  4. Wonderful ornament Edgar! Those 236 days are going to go by quicker than we think - I wonder how many ornaments we could stitch and finish in that amount of time!

  5. Great job on the ornament! You can't go wrong with a PS Santa.

  6. What a darling ornament, and you a certainly a most deserving recipient, dear Edgar :)

  7. What a darling ornament Edgar. I have never been a participant in these type of exchanges, but I would be happy to be your partner! You always make the best stuff.
    Hope your stitching goes better tonight, and you can figure out colors. That is not an easy task.
    Have a great one. Half way through the week...Yea!

  8. Love PS Santa ornaments and the one you sitched is adorable! Your finishing takes it to the next level...perfect!

  9. Lovely ornament! I always love Prairie Schooler.

  10. Hi Edgar. Just popping in to say hello and I really like the ornament you did for your exchange.

  11. That is a great ornament Edgar. You certainly can't go wrong stitching a PS piece for an exchange.

    And don't remind me how many days before Christmas - it's horrifying how quickly it comes around every year.

  12. Very cute ornament! I need to do a pile of those. Hmmm ... wonder what year that'll happen.

  13. Love your PS Santa! The finish is lovely too!

  14. This is such a nice exchange to send. I love PS Santa's too.

  15. Just dropping by quickly after work to say thanks again for such a lovely exchange ornie - I truly adore it! Both stitching and finishing are absolutely perfect! :D

  16. PS santas are so cute, they always look so beautiful on the tree during the festive season.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...