Friday, March 2, 2012

A Pretty Terrific Film

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends just wanted to leave off the week with a movie suggestion - We saw this a few days ago and I didn't want to forget to mention it - the film is "Hugo" 2011 - directed by Martin Scorsese.  It won 5 of the 11 Oscars it was nominated for - including art direction, cinematography and visual effects.

We thoroughly enjoyed the film - set in 1930's Paris the story follows a young orphan living in a train station taking care of the mechanical clocks and trying to fix an automaton.  The Orphan, Hugo, has a run in with a toy stall owner and the adventure begins....  unbeknownst to Hugo the owner is none other than George Melies - one of the great early pioneers of film. 

The entire movie is beautifully done with great visuals.  Some of the best are the clips of early film...  one of the most famous films is from Melies' 1902 "La Voyage dans la Lune" (Voyage to the Moon) - Here is a YouTube Clip from that film..

Yes, the original film was colorized - by hand painting each cell.  This clip is a restored version with modern music.

I would highly recommend this film and now that it is out on DVD you can even rent it for home viewing.

That's about it for the week sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by do come again!!

Take care,


  1. Thanks for the great review, Edgar. Since the Oscars I have been thinking of seeing this one now, I had been surprised at how many Oscars it had won! It is on my list for this weekend. Did you see it in 3D? That is how my theater is showing it. I haven't been to any of the 3D movies in recent years so it will be fun to check out. TGIF and happy weekend to you!

  2. I'm planning on watching this one, Edgar. Good to know it's a good one!

  3. I went on my Oscars rampage this year and Hugo was one that I really enjoyed! I am so happy it won some of the artistic awards since it was certainly deserving. I saw it in 3D and I'm not sure you really needed to see it that way even though people kept telling me I should. Happy weekend!

  4. The film is great but have you read the book? It is a really beautiful book with much of the story told by a series of pencil drawings. Both my daughter (12) and myself loved it. Well worth having a look at if you can.

  5. This one sure did win alot of Oscars! I had never heard of it before that night. I think this will be one I'll want to own.

  6. I saw the trailer for this one when I saw 'The Help' and made a note to wait to see it! Now I know it is available to rent, I can't wait! Thanks for the heads up Edgar! Hugs!

  7. I loved watching this one! I am glad you did too.AriadnefromGreece!

  8. Hugo is one of the movies I would like to see. I really loved the book. It was beautiful. I can hope the movie is as good. :)

  9. This one is on our 'must see' list.

  10. I went to see Hugo back in January. I had no idea what it was about when I went and wasn't sure I wanted to see it. I am so glad I went. It was such a good movie.

  11. We saw it in 3D and it was great (we don't see movies in 3D unless they were actually filmed with the 3D camera or were digitally made). That opening tracking shot about blew me away. About halfway through I realized there had been no cuts yet and I started gasping (very quietly, of course ;). So glad you enjoyed it. I can't remember if you saw The Artist or not, but if you haven't, that is also a wonderful love letter to Hollywood and early filmmaking. =)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...