Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's a Short Thursday Post

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for stopping by once again to share a little time with me and my babbling.  I do enjoy this Bog and you’re commenting....  I did enjoy the comments from yesterday post..... 

Sweet Minnie...  thanks for the kind words about my glasses, but I really only have hair on the sides and on top it has gotten so thin you can see my thoughts!!  

Peggy Lee - you will so enjoy your Chucks!!  I don't know what I would do without them.  Since most of the tennis shoes out there are over thought and over designed - the majority of them do not appeal to me in the least.  

Dear Marly I think I have been the same size (which by the way isn’t too small!!)  for probably the last decade - it fluctuates a bit - but really sort of stays the same.

Melody mentioned stitching in hand.  I have tried that but with the way the linen gets so floppy when I tried I got way too frustrated way too fast - and it was so far from enjoyable that I would have given up stitching if it weren't for the Q-Snap.  I have never noticed a Q-Snap pulling any stitches - I have heard of that, but never seen it myself.  I do notice that the stitches will flatten out, but a good shake of the piece once released from the Q-Snap usually fluffs it right back.

... And Orlythe asked about how I use my Q-Snap...  I don't have a stand - I just sort of hold it with my hands with my feet propped up on footstool and my snap again my knee with left hand under and my right over the work.  I use both hands working the needle both through the linen with my right hand grasping the needle with my left then pushing it back through from underneath and catching it again with my right hand - it certainly sounds odd when written out.  I guess you could liken it to a sort of sewing machine action - I don't know if this way of stitching has a name but it works for me. 

Wrapping up the day - another Blast from the past...  and I hear you Beth, boy, do I feel old sometimes!!!

A super song from 1979 - "Knock on Wood" by Amii Stewart.  This video has about 20 seconds of sound without picture at the beginning  - but you will eventually get to the video  It is interesting to see this very early Music Video.  I remember that I had the 12 inch extended remix version - remeber them!!  I have listened to this about six times this moring and have been just bouncing away while I write out today's post - so enjoy!!!!  It's a great old song!!

That's about it for today sports fans - do stop by again!!

Take care,


  1. LOve your post's Eddie Floyd 1966 " knock on wood" the way it should be heard.Motown at it's best check it out. Edgar I must be about 10 years older than you.. Your needlework is amazing.

    1. Thanks for letting me know about Eddie Floyd!!

  2. Two handed stitching is how a lady at our stitch club describes it.
    One handed she calls stab and grab!

  3. I do that two handed stitching too. A lady at stitch camp last year commented on it, but I never thought it was strange. And that song brings back memories of my college days. I guess I just dated myself!

  4. It has been fun the last two posts reading your responses to your comments. I think we all have our way of stitching, as long as it works for us that is what counts.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  5. It's fun looking back at early music videos Edgar. A friend and I were reminiscing just this week about when we went on a ski trip with work friends in the 80's and MTV was just starting out. Everyone was engrossed in watching it and we had to tear ourselves away from the TV to go out. :) We wondered why it took so long for someone to come up with the idea LOL.

  6. Knock On Wood ... another good song : ) I love my Q-Snap as well. Blessings, Shirlee

  7. I also love my Q snaps and whatever works for us is the best.

  8. OHhh...LOVE this song! I exercise to it quite often.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...