Friday, March 9, 2012

A Friday Post - Selling Some Stash

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends I was having so much trouble with Blogger yesterday that I just gave up and there was no post.  For some reason There are things I once could do and now can not and things I have a clue why they don't work with Blogger.  So I am hoping that today will be smooth sailing.

Not too much going on still working on an exchange piece - except last night - I was off by on stitch as i neared the end of a section and didn't realized it until I popped the piece out of the Q-Snap - so i so spent most of last night unstitching - gotta get the frog off my back!!  Tonight I will go back a re-stitch and hopefully finish up the stitching part - there is still the finish part to complete - I have everything so there is not a problem or hold up there.  I would love to have it in the mail on Monday - but "best laid plans..."

Recently I won a "Lot" of stitching things off of the Bay of evil to get a single thing, which left me with quite a few duplicates - and then going through the stash hep found some other duplicate charts and things I have stitched....  which lead me to an update on My  "Stash for Sale" Blog.  I do like being able to move on some charts to others.  Do let me know if there is anything you would like.

How about a basket of Who Hound to end the week on.....

We have three big hound baskets, yet they often must crowd together into a single one.  I think the Smokie-nator was running around being his usual crazy self!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks so much for stopping by and for your continued kind comments, questions and support!!!!!!  It means so much to me.

Take care,


  1. KISS KISS KISS to the Chihuahuas who always steal my heart. Our Chis are trying to adjust to a new sister..not a Chi. Oh my, I have free entertainment.

  2. A basket of hounds! How wonderful! :-)

  3. Sorry the frogs have been visiting you. The who hounds are adorable.

  4. Hi Edgar, I had the same problem with Blogger a week or two ago. Each day I could do less and less with it. Finally I got a message that Blogger no longer supported my browser (a version of Internet Explorer) and that I would have to change browsers. I now have to use Google Chrome to be able to make changes to my blog. What a pain... Not sure if this is applicable to your issues, but thought I'd mention it. Your puppies are just so precious! Enjoy your weekend...

  5. I hate it when Blogger gets all weird! I've been lucky and had it happen only once so far -- hope it doesn't do it to me again! Bummer about the frogging. Ugh. Hope that frog stays away now. I love the pic of the pups -- soooooo cute!!

  6. I love the basket of chihuahuas. They are adorable.

  7. Don't feel bad ... I have done way more than my share of frogging over the past couple days. Must be something in the air.

  8. Edgar that is the cutest basket of who-hounds I have ever seen!

  9. Hi Edgar - Love the photo of the hounds together in one basket - adorable! I was looking at your stash for sale - if the AMAP Noel Blanc and Notforgotten Farm Hallows Eve Sampler are still available, I'll take them. Kate (

  10. Hi Edgar,
    Tried going to your 'Stash for Sale' page, but get error message saying 'page cannot be found'. Bummer-- always up for adding to MY stash.

    'Puppy piles' always make me smile. Your babies are just adorable!


  11. Love the puppies, they are so adorable. My little chi is so spoiled I don't think she would let us have another one.

  12. Love the snap of the Who Hounds. Wishing you a frogless weekend.

  13. I also tried going to the stash for sale link and received an error message. I will try again later.


    1. Sorry about that - try the link again. I tried an update.

  14. Uh oh - me, too! Following the link on today's post I got the error message, so I tried the stash for sale to the left and it shows August of last year, but no update. Any ideas for all of us who want to shop?

    1. Try the link again - there may have been a Blogger Issue.

  15. Love to see the pups. I think the problems I've been having with Blogger are related to IE, When I switch to Firefox as the browser, much easier. But that could change!!

  16. Try the link again. I wonder whats up...

  17. Hi Edgar, The frog gets the best of us all eventually. Hope you can get back to stitching instead of un-stitching! Your doggies are the CUTEST!! TGIF! :D

  18. It's been decidely green with frogs around here too - and it's always on the easiest pieces! I figure it's because I think it's easy so I don't pay the attention that I should. Too cute picture of the hounds, I only ever had "only" dogs but we do frequently have piles of cats (usually on my feet)

  19. Good luck getting rid of that darn frop, just don't send him this way. Cute pups. CJ in OK ;-)

  20. Love the photo of your sweet Who-hounds! You should have that photo framed and put it on your wall or desk. Have a great weekend.

  21. Hope you managed to finish up your exchange piece. Lovely pic of your hounds.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...