Friday, February 10, 2012

Two Good TV Shows - PBS, of Course!!

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends sorry for the blip in posting, but I just had to have a day off - I didn't feel well and so I took a couple of swigs of NyQuil and crawled back into bed.  I got up in the afternoon to take the who-hounds out and back to bed I went.  I didn't get all the way out of bed until evening.  I am in today, but I am still not at 100% probably 73 1/2 %....  so I will stick it out for today and then take the glorious weekend to get to feeling better.

Last night on PBS I saw two really interesting shows - the first was about the Lincoln Highway - called "A Ride Along the Lincoln Highway" - 2008 - the Highway starts in Times Square and goes through 14 states and ends here in San Francisco.  

 This is the cover of the book about the Highway

  It was very interesting and now I have a small goal... to find the Western Terminus of the Highway here in SF.  There is a marker somewhere in Lincoln Park - so at some point in the next few weeks I am going on a hunt and get some snaperoos of that sucker.

The other show was about a train - another secret love of mine - and not just any train, but a fabulous train called the California Zephyr!!  The show is called "California Zephyr: Silver Thread Through the West" - 2007.

Travel by train - the little bit that I have done has been fantastic - and just seeing the Zephyr and all the period film they showed was a real treat!!  Both shows where good with lots of information - if you get the chance - give them a look!!

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

take care,


  1. Shoot, I would have liked to see the Lincoln Highway, I take it through Pennsylvania all the time. It's a beautiful drive

  2. Hope your feeling better soon.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

  4. Hope you get feeling better before the weekend, Edgar! Being sick is the pits. I know how you feel because I'm headed to the doctor today. I've been running at about half speed all week. Yuck! Thanks for the movie tips. I'll have to check those out! :)

  5. I hope you feel better soon! I took the California Zepher from Chicago to SF, CA in my teens with my parents. It is one of my fondest memories! Sorry I missed the show.

  6. Glad to hear you are feeling better, even if you aren't at 100%. I am feeling similarly- been fighting a little cold and it is at the tail end-still have a sneezy/stuffy nose off and on and a cough sometimes. Hope you are feeling 100% for the weekend!

  7. Hope you are feeling better soon, its the pits when you don't feel well. I hate laying in bed all day.
    Happy Stitching

  8. Edgar , Glad you are feeling better, I always miss your posts. As we get more mature the slightest illness seems to send us for cover( or in my case under the covers). Have a good weekend. Mary

  9. Hi Edgar, hope you feel better. I am under the weather too, just no fun! I wish Nyquil would work for me, instead it keeps me awake. Rest up this weekend! Krista

  10. I am originally from Wyoming and the highest point of the Lincoln Hwy (Interstate 80) is right outside of Laramie. It has a rest stop and a statue of Lincoln. It is over 8,000 feet. Maybe one day you will be able to see this as well. Thanks for sharing these programs on PBS.

    Take care and hope you get to feeling better.

  11. hope you are feeling much better today ... must be going round as not brill my self today ho hum ... early night methinks too ... take care and glad you liked your films ....
    have a fab weekend :) love mouse xxxx

  12. Feel better Edgar!! Yes, Nyquil is definitely the drug of choice!!! ;o))

  13. My parents have a house in PA on Lincoln Highway. There is a great mural painted on a building in the little town of Everett about the LH. Wish I had seen that on TV.

  14. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope you will feel better soon!

  15. I hope you gain the other 26 1/2 % over the weekend.
    Looks like good TV there. I love PBS!

  16. It seems to be the week for colds, hope your feeling better today. The only thing I could think of when I saw the Lincoln Highway map was "ROAD TRIP" - that's the kind of trip I would love to take and then top it off with a ride on the Zephyr. I love trains - I ride one everyday and have done a bit of traveling by them also, it's too bad that everyone is so into their cars as train travel is so enjoyable.

  17. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling all that well. I hope by tomorrow morning you're a little closer to 100% so that you get to enjoy some of your weekend.

  18. I hope you're back to feeling 100% asap.

  19. Sounds interesting, Edgar. My dad and I used to watch a lot of PBS while he was alive. I hardly watch TV myself (as a matter of fact, pretty much the only thing I watch is football), because I spend a lot of time on the computer. That's where most of my friends are, after all!! Hope you're feeling better soon. BTW, I traveled several hours by train to London when I was over there, and though I slept on the way down, the trip back was lovely. Really enjoyable!!

  20. I need to check that Lincoln Highway. It looks to cross right in PA at my area. I am severely directionally challenged. I could get lost in my small town going the wrong way on a one way street. I also love trains - but always afraid they will hit a cow! BTW - I don't know how you got a Spell Checker in your comments - but thanks!

  21. The Lincoln Highway runs through my old stomping grounds in Indiana and Illinois, on its way to San Francisco. It would be cool if you could find the terminus of the highway.

    I love long distance train travel - when I was a child, my family traveled overnight on a train with sleeper cars - it was so much fun; I would love to do it again!

    I'm sorry that you have been under the weather. I hope you feel better soon! {{{Edgar}}}


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