Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's a Wet and Windy Tuesday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so very much for all the nice comments about "Tis the Season" and my new start, "Oregon Trail."  I got the few WDW flosses I was missing in the mail yesterday so now I can continue the "quilt" stars band along the top of "Oregon Trail."  I didn't even pick up a needle at all last night.  I was a great big lumpy dog bed after dinner - then we went to "do our business" before retiring and it had already started to rain - and it rained all night long.  It is still raining - even though it should have pushed off by now....  well, I shouldn't complain we need every drop.

I have my annual eye exam this afternoon - so we should know if I need new glasses or not - and if i do how many big buck I will need to spend for them.  I guess it is a necessary evil as I get older...  It really bugs me that I can see perfectly fine at great distances but up close or to read or do anything within two feet of my face I need glasses!!

I posted the Coffee cake recipe over at Blacksheep Bakes.  The basic recipe comes from this book.....

It is a great little book just full of both sweet and savory coffee cake recipes.  The recipe I posted is my version with alterations over at BBB.
I think that's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

take care,


  1. Hope all goes well at the eye exam Edgar and you don't have to part with too much of your stash cash!

  2. I'm also far sighted and can see plenty at a distance but I need the glasses to read and stitch. For several years I had reading glasses but I got so sick of taking them on and off whenever I needed them that I finally broke down and got the bifocal progressives. I always squawk about the amount I have to pay when I need a new pair. Just think how much stash we could buy with that money, lol!
    Thanks for the info on the cookbook. This is one I would really like to add to my favourites.

  3. It started raining here this morning too. Not much, just drizzling, but the sky is really wet and gloomy, and it's promising more rain.
    Good luck with your eye exam!

  4. A good coffee cake is almost as good as new stash : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  5. I hear you on the glasses thing. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses, but now I have to add the whole bifocal thing to it. And they never get my prescription as strong as I feel I need it. It's rather frustrating to say the least! Good luck -- hope you don't have to spend the big bucks this time. Sorry about the rain, but yes, I hear you do need it out there.

  6. well rain is much better than snow and ice and much better for walking in and for the plants ...lol and glad your threads have arrived so that you can stitch some more on your trail ....
    good luck with the eye exam ... i've had to bow gracefully and get much stronger ones this time ... i can see a pin drop at 3 miles but can't read print up close now either ... hope they aren't too expensive either .... love mouse xxxxxx

  7. Oh, I feel your pain Edgar...I, too, am headed to the eye doctor next week for my annual exam...but, I already know it is time for stronger specs. I am having to use 175 readers WITH my magnifier and light to see my stitchin' :o(

    And, I have distance issues, so it is never cheap for me, LOL! Good luck my friend!

  8. I feel your pain on the glasses Edgar. I've worn readers for a few years, but just found out I need them distance now. I'm trying contacts but they're not working out that well, and on top of it I'm still running around looking for my readers. It's hell getting older!

  9. Like you, I can see good enough at a distance but have in the last year or so needed glasses to stitch. Just when I think I could get by without them, I put them on and find out just how bad my eyes are! I never thought I would be wearing bifocals in my early 40's.

  10. I'm a new follower Edgar.
    Do enjoy the rain:-). Your cake looks delicious. I am in the need of new glasses too and I am the opposite of you. I see fine up close but can't see a darn thing in the distance. I am often asked, how do you see without your glasses to cross stitch. I respond with "Ancient Chinese secret." LOL. That secret may not last long as I am getting older too and may "require" new glasses to stitch too.
    I've enjoyed visiting your blog.

  11. Oh the joys of getting older. I have 53 year old eyes and I can't see close up or far away. I can't use progressives either, so I'm suck wearing single vision for driving and cheapo reading glasses (Michaels, $2.99 a pair) for close up and reading. I could never cross stitch without them, and I have them everywhere.

  12. Welcome to the "dark side" of aging, my friend! :) I swear, my arms are never long enough to read a menu, a book, an elephant, Mt. Rushmore....you name it. :) I hope all goes well and you're peepers are right back at creating more "beauties by Edgar".

  13. Will have to duck over and check out your baking blog :@ or maybe not... ditto on the rain, thankfully no wind.
    LiBBiE in Oz

  14. Well its been minus 10 here in Somerset which is unseasonally low, plenty of opportunity to stay in the warm! Good luck with the eyes - I am almost there with needing reading glasses for my already short-sighted eyes!



A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...