Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Can See

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you so much for your input - I knew all these great minds working together would basically agree with my crazy and obsessive lunacy.  I worked on the cloud some more last night and think I will go with the smoother less striped version.  Although I am working 1/2 stitches cross and then crossing them back the subtle shading of the GAST "Pebble" floss is still coming through.  There are darker spots and lighter spots - kinda like the way clouds are - so I am sure I'll be content with the finished product.  In regards to the "Burnt Orange" star - I will leave it until the end and either love it or hate it - and make a decision then - I love procrastination!!

I picked up my new glasses yesterday - and overall I am very happy with them - they sit nicely on my nose and sort of "clamp" on behind my ears with little built in springs at the hinge.  Here's a snap (do look past the vulture feet and grey hair!!)

They are called "Madrid" and are by Etnia from Barcelona, the colour is Oxide.  I really like the subtle little checkered pattern of dark brown and dark grey squares along the temples.  There you go - my glasses for the next couple of years.  

I find it odd that my little "toddler" scar gets more pronounced as I get older.  If you look by my left eyebrow you see a scar from when I was about 3 and I was still unsteady on my feet.  I banged my head or just fell onto the edge of a coffee table at my Great Aunt Mary's in Tarboro, NC  - I have been told I bled profusely but didn't cry... and had to have 2 stitches.  These are the only stitches I have ever had and hope to ever have, but the scar lives on!! Now, that's and odd bit of edgar trivia!!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by and for your super comments!!!  
Do stop again!

take care,


  1. Those are a fine set of glasses indeed!

    I'm learning to love my new 'stitchy' glasses though I'm not sure they fit my features. Who cares! I can see to stitch!

  2. Congratulations on making a decision regarding the ATS : ) The glasses look good but I can't see the scar even when I enlarge the photo. If you want to see toddler scars, you should see the one underneath my left eyebrow. I was around 3 years old back in the days prior to seat belts, sitting in the front seat of the car, & my dad had to stop quickly & I flew smack into the windshield. Forever after that, whenever I would ride with him in the front seat, even when I was became an adult & had my seat belt buckled tightly, his right arm would automatically stretch out over me when he would need to make a more than normal stop with the car. My scar is a good 2" long & rivals that of Frankenstein's monster although it's not lightning bolt shaped : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  3. Love the glasses! Mine are very similar only in purple.

  4. Wonderful glasses Edgar! Am seeing so many ATS on blogs that I may "need" to get that one...I only have several other A&E's in progress as I type...

  5. Great glasses! I love getting new glasses they not only help me see but are a fun accessories :) Have a lovely Tuesday!

  6. I like the checkered sides and rimless bottoms. Very nice choice.

  7. Love the glasses -- very classy! I too have a scar from stitches on my chin below my mouth. An accident from when I was little. I don't think it's gotten more prominent with age, but it sure hasn't gone away!

  8. Great glasses! I have been reading various blogs but haven't commented until now. I used to do counted cross stitch and just got back into it after a 20 year absence. I now feel obsessed by doing it and reading about it all over again! Edgar, I love your blog and just wanted to let you know!

    I do have some questions that I hope you won't mind answering..............first of all, I feel stupid but since I don't have a blog, etc. how do I post without going through "anonymous"?

    Many of you seem to use linen rather than aida and use much smaller hole counts than what I think I could see. Do you always use something to hold your stitching in even for the small things? I am currently stitching on 16 count aida (my first project back and a small Lizzie Kate at that) and feel like my stitching is horrible in places and that I am having trouble seeing at times. I don't have it in a hoop-maybe that is my problem? Anyway, thanks for listening and any ideas from anyone reading this blog are more than welcome.


  9. Wow - those are really handsome glasses. You are quite the looker. An excellent choice!

    Your stitching is wonderful as always. I always struggle finding the right size Q-snap to use. I thought I needed one that would show the majority of my design. But maybe going smaller would be better. Thanks for the tip - will give it a try.

  10. Looking Good in the the glasses!! I know about those baby scars too! It seems 3 is the age when scars happen!! lol I was running with a Coca Cola bottle.. (glass) and fell and cut my hand. Of course it was in a Laundary Mat ( as called in the south) lol Have that scar still with me 44 years later!

  11. I wanted to post yesterday, but life got in the way. I need to share with you what happened to a fellow stitching buddy with her ATS. Her fabric was not cut properly and as she got closer to the bottom the whole piece started to shift. When she finally finished (IN TOTAL PANIC MODE) she had 6 inches of blank fabric on the left and 2 on the right. Unless you saw your fabric cut (on both sides) you may want to check it. Talk about a heart attack!

    You have inspired me to get mine out! THANK YOU....BIG SMILE!

    PS - LOVE the glasses.

  12. Great glasses, yes it seems like falling on the coffeetable happens more often than not. Think I was a bit older than three when me and my brother jumped in the sofa and I fell and cut my upper lip. Yes it bled...but no stitches since the nurses meant it was to late to stitch so it had to heal on its on.

  13. oooo nice photo of you ... and your new glasses ... you will be working on smaller counts now ???? hehehe love mouse xxxxx

  14. Very dashing if I do say so myself~~ Funny thing, I made an eye appointment today for the first time in 10 years so I can get fitted for a new pair of specs! Mine won't be that cool though.... I like 'em!

  15. The glasses look smashing!! They will make stitching even that much more enjoyable (I speak from personal experience).

    It sure seems like children are magnets to coffee tables, especially when they are just learning to walk!

  16. Great glasses Edgar! Very fetching.

    Oh yes...head wounds bleed profusely!

    Childhood scars? Chicken pox. Right where my adam's apple would be if I was a fella. The wounds that required stitches waited until I was much older.

  17. Nice...I am definitely due for new glasses..but not sure if I will get new frames. These are still in top notch shape..

  18. Very nice glasses! And what vulture feet? I don't see any. :)

  19. Cool glasses! Isn't it strange how some scars seem to disappear over time and others become more prominent. Adds character I think.

  20. Vultures feet? What vultures feet? Small fine lines of great wisdom to go with the silver blonde highlights. Oh the glasses look great too.
    LiBBiE in Oz

  21. Great pic of you Edgar, i was half expecting you to wink at me!! LOL

  22. Enjoy your new glasses!

    I, too, have an old toddler injury. I'm missing the very tip of my "baby" finger. Apparently I got it caught in a storm door when I was just a toddler. It's such a small "amputation" that nobody notices it.

  23. Edgar, I love your glasses called Madrid (I was born there) and the trademark from Barcelona (I live here).
    It looks good for you!
    Hugs from Barcelona!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...