Friday, October 21, 2011

Shake, Shake Friday

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends just checking in to let you know that I'm still here.  Still working on "ABC Noel" - I'll get a snap up next week.

Yesterday we had a little excitement - two - count em' two earthquakes.  Well, we have them all the time every day, but usually they are so small they go unfelt or you think a bus is rumbling by.  But, yesterday as I was getting ready to leave to go home the entire building lurched back and forth and back and forth and back and then settled out. It is an odd felling  - after a quake - you sort of stand there (or sit) waiting to see if that is it or if that is just the beginning.......  so I sat and waited about 5 minutes and then met up with Rico to go home.  That first quake was 3.9 - 4.0 in size, so not gigantic, but big enough.  

Then last nigh at about 8:16pm the whole house sort of rumbled and then went bang and shudder....  we had had another one!!  This one at about 4.1 or so - well that got Smokie yapping and running around in circles and the girls sporadically barking and Pete shaking - again you sort of sit and wait it out to see if that is the beginning of something much worse.  Both quakes were quick, but unnerving and both quakes where on the Hayward fault over in Berkeley.  This morning the news (and they are always so right!!) explained that the first one was the quake and the second and after shock....  so who  knows!!

Thanks again for stopping by - have a great weekend!!

Take care,


  1. I read about the earth quakes in your area. I sure hope that's it for you all! I've been in a few, but they were always small. Glad you all are ok! Poor pups -- must have freaked them out!

  2. Glad they turned out to be relatively small and everyone is ok. I live near the epicenter of the one in Virginia in August and I agree that it is unnerving. We aren't smart enough here to wonder if its the beginning - we just want to know what happened?

    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. We have actually had several quakes in our area in recent years. The latest big one was last summer and I think it was 5.0 on the scale. Very unnerving!
    The poor pups! I can imagine just how frightened they are.

  4. ohh dear .. felt a few over here so know what you mean .. glad they were small though .. love mouse xxxx

  5. Rockin' and rollin' should only be to music. That's so scary Edgar - glad it wasn't worse.

  6. Glad they were small. After our small experience here this summer, I can agree, they are definitely unnerving. Apparently dogs are more sensitive to them than cats ~ our cats never batted an eye. :)
    Enjoy your weekend ~ hopefully earthquake free!

  7. So glad it was a small one. We had one here !!! UK a few months ago, Freaked me out.
    Never notice it before but we do get so many a year but only small ones. This last one allot of people were talking about it.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Glad you are ok, I live in southern Ontario Canada We had one this year too They are not so nice are they?

  9. Edgar Rico and Kids: Glad it was not a big quacke, I hope all is well with you all.
    P.S. Does Rico stitch? just curious.

  10. Glad everyone is ok! Those poor dogs probably knew it was coming before you ever felt it. We experienced a minor one in Italy..I never, ever again want to be in that position..I gave new meaning to the word "hyperventilate." lol.

  11. I hope you don't have any more of those and if it must happen, only the really small ones you can't even feel!

  12. Thank goodness nothing happened. I only went thru the East Coast one, and I never want to do that again. Unnerving is the best word for an earthquake.

  13. So you could say you were shake rattling and rolling yesterday! Glad you are doing fine and no one was hurt.

  14. Glad the quakes were small. I live in VA where we had a quake a few months ago and also have felt some aftershocks...gotta say I do not like it when the earth starts to move.

  15. I heard about the first one but not the second. My son's in Berkeley. Haven't heard anything from him, but he's so laid back about things, he probably didn't notice! I'm glad all is well with you and the pups.

  16. Shaking in Adelaide too! Hi Edgar, we had an earthquake 3.3 at 2.20am on Wednesday morning. Adelaide, Australia is also on the San Andreas fault line but we rarely get them. However, this is the second one in 18 months!

  17. Glad to hear that the quakes (or is it proper to say quake and aftershock) were relatively small. It's amazing how in tune animals can be, isn't it?

    Hope your enjoy your weekend!!

  18. Take care, Edgar!
    Have a nice weekend.

  19. Glad to here you are okay Edgar, although it sounds like the lil' pups had a rough time :(

  20. We had an earthquake in Virginia in August, 5.8 I think. I was sitting at my desk and thought a truck was crashing into our warehouse. Then I saw the flowers on my desk shaking. I told my coworker it feels like an earthquake and at the same time I was thinking "it can't be, this is VA!". I actually felt some motion sickness. I'll take a hurricane over an earthquake any day!! Glad you are safe!

  21. Whew; glad you are well!

    I grew up in Tornado country, but I never thought much of earthquakes until that tiny one we had earlier this year!

  22. Glad your earthquakes were relatively minor and you are all ok.

  23. So glad you are are safe. How very scary they sound. Take care.

  24. Glad all is safe and all is well over there in Blacksheep Land! We had a couple on the 'right' coast several weeks ago, and that feeling is pretty odd.


A Little More Border

 Gentle Friends, almost there, here's a snaparoo of the border... ... I was really happy, nay, surprised when everything banged up and m...