Tuesday, October 4, 2011

48 and Not 49

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends - OMGoodness when I opened up my gmails I was astounded at your kind thoughts for me and my "under the weather day."  I was feeling "puny" (as my granny would say) all weekend and we pretty much stayed close to home. Now on to today - I turned 48....

What's so odd is that for the past few days I had really thought I was turning 49 - I am such a ding sometimes....  walking around in a total haze.  Then this morning I thought I can't be 49 I have to be 48 and so I hauled out all my fingers and toes for the recount..... darned if the numbers and years (year?) just fell away like last years ratty hairpiece!!!  So, now I have two more years in my 40's until I click over to my 50's.  In fact I never think of how old I am or am I getting old as it is so irrelevant to my life - its a number that will not stop going up so who cares!!   I have never understood those folks that are so completely obsessed with the year and time moving forward that they forget that this little bit of time we are given is for living and not brooding!!

 I am going to keep it shortish today - and only show the stitching I got done on "Harvest Blessing" -

I am really enjoying this piece but the 28 ct linen is so "open" woven and using two strand of floss feels very clunky.  But, this will look great in the frame I have for it, so 28 ct it is to be the size I need!  Notice that cow? Lower left -  kind of an odd little fellow.  At first I thought it might be a dog, but he has some horns - so cow it is.

There you sports fans - thanks again for your kind comments.  Look for my Birthday/Hallowe'en Gift-a-way in the next week or so!!

Take care,


  1. Happy Birthday Edgar! xxxxxxxx Have a lovely day

  2. Happy Birthday!!! So glad you are feeling better for it. Sherry

  3. Happy Stitchy Birthday Edgar, hope your day is special!

  4. Happy birthday!I hope you feel better. I watched Bright Star last night and it was excellent! I spent a couple of hours afterwards reading Keats. Thanks!AriadnefromGreece!

  5. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Edgar! The cake looks yummy. Did you make it? I have often lost track of my years stacking up too but I usually go the other way (thinking I'm turning a year younger instead of older) teehee

    Very nice WIP you have going there.

  6. Happy Birthday Edgar! We share the same birth year:)) Yeah for us! Hope you have a great day and are feeling better

  7. I giggled when i read your post....i have been 'forgetting and having to do the math' for several years now...i am 56 .... hehehehe....have a great birthday and glad your feeling better :D

  8. Happy Birthday Edgar!!! I'm with you... age is just a meaningless number. You're as young as you want to be... and me I'm at 39 and holding... permanently!!! HA HA HA

  9. Happy Birthday Edgar! Do you know I did the same thing - but I spent a whole year thinking of I was 48 when I was actually 47. So the following year I decided I was going to be 47 to even things out!
    Have a lovely day and check your email - I have sent you a little gift ;-)

  10. Adding my birthday wishes for many happy returns of the day ... and with such a healthy attitude towards mere numbers, I am sure there will be! Love the colors in Harvest Blessings.

  11. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Best wishes for a Happy Birthday and many more! Jane

  12. Happy Birthday! I too often forget how old I am.

    I love the color palette on Harvest Blessing. I can't wait to see your finished work.

  13. Oooh Happy Birthday Edgar! Sounds like you have just gained a year. Love your new sampler and that is a cute cow. x

  14. Happy Birthday, Edgar. I hope your day is full of love and laughter.


  15. Happy Birthday, Edgar--and so glad you're feeling better to enjoy it! I missed your week-end round-up report this week, but glad you have birthday cake and one year LESS to report.

  16. I hope you have the happiest of Birthdays!

  17. Happy Birthday Edgar! Hope you have a great birthday! I am loving the piece you are working on, the colors are so pretty!

  18. A very Happy Birthday to you Edgar!! Your attitude towards age is the same as my DH. As he puts it, there's nothing you can do about it so why worry! I hope you have a most enjoyable day.
    Your stitching on HB is beautiful! I love that little cow.

  19. Happy happy birthday! Loss of one year is a good present, even if the number is irrelevant! =) Looks like you have a very yummy cake to help you celebrate.

  20. Haha, I thought maybe the cow was a cat, but I can see clearly she is a cow! Happy Birthday! Take some time today to eat lots of cake and celebrate you!

  21. ahppy Birthday. Gald your feeling better. I really like "Harvest Blessing".
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  22. Happy bday! Feel all better soon.

  23. Edgar,

    A very Happy Birthday to you. What a great surprise that the year was less than you thought!

    I definitely don't make a big deal out of the number either. finding out about my illness four days before my birthday this year did throw me. I am definitely looking forward to #50. I think it will be unlike so many 50 celebrations 

  24. Happy birthday! 48 seemed so old until I remembered that I'm going to be 49 at the end of the month. ;-) You're just a spring chicken!

  25. Happy Birthday! My grandmother would tell people she was older than she was just to hear them say how good she looked! Glad you're feeling better. I like the cow - little oddities like that are great fun in a piece.

  26. Happy Birthday. How funny, I sometimes mix up how old I am also. I like you, could careless about the number and feel blessed I am here another year. I still feel like a kid and that is all that matters. Hope you are feeling much better.

  27. Happy Birthday Edgar! Wishing you the best today and always...

  28. Many Happy Returns of the Day Edgar...hope it is as wonderful as you!! xx

  29. Happy birthday to you, Edgar! I hope you're feeling better and have a great and special day. (You know you're torturing e with your Mary Beale piece, don't you? lol! It's gorgeous!)

  30. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOOOU.... so glad your feeling better Edgar.

    Don't worry about age, my years are spinning by far to fast, i think i must be the oldest sewing blogger at 64.
    Trouble is i only feel 35, i think some one added a few years to my age , when i do stop to think , don't forget your only as old as you feel. ha ha.

  31. Glad you are feeling better. Wishing you the very best birthday!! :)

  32. Happy Birthday Edgar! I hope it is a fabulous one!

  33. Love your new stitch and have a wonderful birthday!! Plus many more!

  34. Happy Birthday Edgar!! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope you have a wonderful day with Rico and the who-hounds.

  35. Happy Birthday Edgar...so glad you are on the mend, too! If you counted birthdays the way my husband's grandmother did...she would say you are STARTING your 49th year today!!!!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  36. Happy Birthday! It's funny, I am turning 48 soon too (that part's not funny) but I have been telling people I am 48 for a while, trying to get used to the idea, and sometimes confuse myself as to whether I will be 48 or 49. My parents are no help either lol. So you're not alone there.

  37. Edgar , have a Happy Day.... Gaining a year how cool is that !!!!!!!! Mary V

  38. Happy Birthday & glad you are feeling better. The cow looks a little puny too, but I bet she will perk up by the time you finish this pretty piece.

  39. Happy Happy Birthday Edgar!! Phew, aren't you glad you gained a year?!!! I've done that before, actually this year. I thought I was 35, but I'm still 34 :D Hope you have a wonderful bday and love that start!!



  40. Happy 48 Edgar - you're still a youngster! Sampler looks fabulous.

  41. Happy birthday my October birthday buddy! :) Hope it's wonderful! I'll be a year away from 40 this year so I know how you feel- sneaking up on a landmark b-day! But we're only as old as we feel! :)

  42. Happy Birthday! FYI, I think that cow is kinda cute!

  43. Happy Birthday. Glad you are feeling better.

  44. Edgar, I hope you are feeling better. I was sorry to ready yesterday's post (late as usual) and see you felt under the weather. My grandma used to say puny too!

    Happy Birthday dear friend! 48? My goodness, you are still a baby! I hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve it!

  45. Happy Birthday Edgar!!! Hope you have a wonderful stitchy day!

  46. Happy Birthday! I turned 50 yesterday (10/3) and it was not so bad so don't worry!

  47. Happy Birthday Edgar. Enjoy your day!!

  48. Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great day!

  49. Happy, happy birthday, Edgar - hope you do something just for YOU!

  50. Happy birthday edgar!!! Love the stitching!!

  51. Happy Birthday! May your cake taste as good as it looks!

  52. Happy Birthday, Edgar. I hope your day is filled with everything you enjoy most. Special wishes to you from across the pond. Sandy. :)

  53. Happy birthday Edgar!!! Glad to hear you're on the mend after your "puny" day. LOL!

  54. Happy Birthday Edgar! I just celebrated my 48th as well and like you, I have to get out all my fingers and toes to keep track. I hope your day was special.

  55. First HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Second I am very glad you are feeling better.

  56. Happy Birthday! Hope it's not too late to greet you and that you're feeling better..your stitching and baking have been a great inspiration. Thank you! Tracy/ph

  57. Happy Happy Birthday Edgar! Have a great celebration! Your stitching is gorgeous, as usual! Hugs!

  58. Happy Birthday! Hope Rico and the pups spoil you! :)

  59. Happy Birthday Edgar: I hope you had lots of fun and lots of goodies coming your way.
    Love your sampler really nice.

  60. Happy Birthday Edgar, we are the same age, well I am older than you by a couple of months. :)

  61. Glad you are feeling better. Happy Birthday!! your blog is a present to your readers.

  62. Happy Birthday! Nothing like gaining a year mentally...ha! Hope your day is a hoot from start to finish.

  63. Happy Birthday Edgar! I'm glad you're feeling better.

  64. Happy Birthday Edgar - glad to see you are feeling better again.
    LOL 48/49. I spent the entire year before last saying I was 47, then when my BD rolled around, it turned out I was just about to turn 47 - not 48 [what joy - hahaha].
    Harvest blessing is looking great - odd little cow and all :)

  65. Happy Birthday Edgar. So glad that you are feeling better exspecially on your Bday.
    I am so like you.I can never remember just exactly how old I am either.A lot of days I feel like I am still around 32. A couple of years ago I was dicussing age with friends at work and after doing the math they informed me that I was 2 yeears older than I though. They got a big kick out of it and everyone had a great laugh. No one believes when I tell them how old I am even if I am wrong so I just think of myself in my mind around 32 or so.
    Well, no matter how old you feel today, Happy Birthday.

  66. Ta~Da!!! You're one year younger than you thought! That must have been a nice present to give yourself. I wish I was only 49 again, instead of turning 50 something!

    Happy Birthday!

  67. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Edgar, but surely not 48 something like 21 with $27 postage and handling!
    LiBBiE in Oz :@

  68. ♫♫♫ Happy Birthday, Edgar ♫♫♫

    It's so funny, but I've been doing the same thing with my birthday--keep thinking I'm turning 58 in January when I'm really "only" turning 57!! Hope you have a lovely year ahead of you as a very young 48-year-old :)

  69. Happy birthday, happy, happy birthday...happy birthday to dear you!!!!

    I agree I have to count on fingers toes and anything else hanging loose to figure out how old I am. Enough all ready! :)

    I hope you had a wonderful day!!!

    Love ya!

  70. It seems lately every time anyone asks my age, I have to think. I agree - it's just another year; right?

    Happy Birthday to YOU! Celebrate all week long - and hope it's filled with all your most favorite things.

  71. Happy Birthday to You!!!!

  72. Happy Birthday! Have a great day.

  73. Many Happy Returns of the day, Edgar!

    I wish you many more years of cross stitching!

  74. Best wishes for a fabulous new year! :)

  75. Happy B-day, Edgar! I hope your day was good.

  76. Great stitches! Love the colors!
    Happy birthday!!

  77. Happy Belated Birthday Edgar!!!!

  78. With a day late and from Barcelona, I wish you a Happy Birthday.

  79. Congratulations on gaining (and losing) a year! Hope this next one is great.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...