Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Some Cakes a House and a Fox

GR&DF here we are again at mid week, and not only is it
Farmers Market Day but it is only 2 more days to the weekend!! :)

On the way home yesterday we stopped off at the store
and I just couldn't pass up these beauties-

I think that Madeleines are just about the best cookie/cake around!!
Just a delicious bite of lite pound cake. One of my favorite things.

Last nights stitching was my working on TiTD -
getting bit done on the house and here is a snap of that progress -

I am really enjoying this sampler very much. I am thinking I always want to have some kind of traditional sampler going all the time - and I have quite a few in the stash pile. The next one I think I will stitch was sent to me by a dear reader of this blog - It is called Hetty Child and is one I have been wanting to do for a long time - I am not going to stitch it in the recommended DMC floss' but in Bell Soie silks - and now I am trying to figure out which colours to use and substitute. Since there is only 7 colours in all it will not be too much trouble.

The 3rd Round of the Prairie Schooler Exchange piece has reached my partner - Nicola.
Here is a snap of the Pyn Keepe I stitched up for her -

This is called Fox and Grapes and has been in my stash for a long time. I used DMC floss but not the recommended colours as they were a bit off - or at least I thought so - the biggest change was the house colour - It is charted out in an off white - I did not like that so now it is light blue. I have wanted to do this for such a long time and this was the perfect opportunity.

Last night was a double feature DVD evening - starting off with "Hocus Pocus" - 1993 - starring Bette Midler, Kathy Nijimi and Sarah Jessica Parker. I have loved this film for years and seen it many, many times. I know it has its detractors and nay sayers but I think they forget a few things.... first off - it is Disney, secondly it is for kids and it is not to be taken seriously or be historically correct by any stretch of the imagination!!! It is a fun, clever Halloween Flick that is lots of fun - and I totally recommend seeing it !! The second flick of the evening was "Canterbury Tale" - 1944 - from the film making team of Powell/Pressburger - A wonderful look at England on the eve of D-Day - using the stories of three very different characters to propel the movie froward - it is not a love story - yet all three have unhappy loves in their lives - it is not a typical mystery - yet there is a mysterious figure and situation. Beautifully filmed in and around Canterbury and the Cathedral - at a little over 2 hours this slow paced film moves along at a very nice pace telling its own story.

There you go sports fans!! Thanks for dropping by!!

Take care,


  1. I love the traditional samplers...yours is looking great!

  2. Nice progress on your sampler Edgar! I am not of fan of silks.Maybe it was because of the brand I used but they snaged on my rings and nails easily and kept yanking out of the needle.'Twas too much of a pain for me.I do like they way they stitch up though.That pound cake sounds yummy! Thanks for another great post!

  3. TiTD is looking great. Mine is sitting quietly in my Wip pile waiting for its return to the spotlight. I love that PS pinkeep you did.

    I've never had madeleine - they look v yummy and light - and I could eat'em all up with a cup of cappuncino on the side!

  4. That pound cake is to die for! I love the shell shape to it.

    Hocus Pocus is a favorite in my house, such fun!

  5. Oh, how I just love foxes!!! REally! I remember that you did another piece with red foxes...perhaps it was a forest?...earlier this year. Now, there are two fox pieces I want to make!

    As for Madelines, I often see them in the store but somehow have yet to purchase them!

  6. Gorgeous stitching. I love that pattern on the pinkeep. Lovely colors that you used.

  7. Now this is my kinda post, Edgar...delicious food, great movies, and beautiful stitchin'!!

    I love the pinkeep, great job on the color choices! And Hocus Pocus is one of my staples for Halloween viewing!!


  8. I <3 madeleines. They are so yummy! Great progress on This is the Day! I really like this piece. Also great the fox pinkeep!

  9. Love your pinkeep! Your choice of colours is excellent.

  10. Ooooh those cookies look yummy! They are my step-mother's very favorite! Your TiTD looks great and the pinkeep is lovely!

  11. Yum! Madeleines and two pictures of pretty stitching. :D Love that Fox and Grapes piece -- I've always wanted to stitch that one up too. And TitD is looking good!

  12. OOO those cakes look delicious...yum yum!!
    Your WIP is looking fab...lovely colours and love your PS exchange piece and the colours really work.
    I adore Bette Midler and enjoy nothing more than an evening with Beaches, my stitching and a box of

  13. Such beautiful stitching as always Edgar. I am a Hocus Pocus fan too, anything with witches and I am sold! Have you seen Practical Magic? I think that is one of my favourite witchy flicks and the soundtrack is really good too.
    Enjoy those madelines :-)

  14. I love Hocus Pocus. I am a movie freak also and watch at least one movie almost every day. I just love them so. Your stitching looks great!

  15. Love the Fox and Grapes - beautiful stitch and finish.

  16. Your sampler is absolutely beautiful..and I love Hocus Pocus! What a great stitching movie..

  17. Madeleines are wonderful. I have a little pan to make my own, but I've haven't tried yet.
    The TiTD sampler is beautiful, although my husband laughs at the abbreviation...if only mine were "Ds", he says!

  18. Oh, I can taste those Madelaines all the way to Canada.
    I love your little pyn keepe you send Nicola. I think that is my favorite that you have done. I think it is the colors.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...