Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A New Start, a SAL and a Crash

Last night the flicker was an oldie but a goodie - "San Francisco" 1936 - starring Clark Gable, Jeanette MacDonald and Spencer Tracy. A great film where even the earthquake stars!! While watching SF I was ripping out the blueberry silk from my RR piece. After I had all that gone my "new" start on the RR started. I am really happy with the results of the over dyed floss. Here is a snap...

It is just a little start as most of my evening was more of a taking out than a putting in, but you get the idea.

We are also starting the Sail Away SAL today - Happy Birthday Terri!!!! - There is a SA-SAL Blog that you can follow our progress HERE. This should be a really fun SAL as the piece is so very nice and it is always more fun in a group!! Here is a snap of the completed piece that we are going for....

Some dear friends of mine where in a crazy accident on Tuesday. It has been all over the news locally and I just wanted to show a snap of what happened to their car - and this is why Market Street is so bad to drive on....

The driver of the orange Italian street car was completely not looking and carrying on a conversation for two blocks before he crushed Chris and Mo's car. They totally walked away from this mashing.

Thanks for stopping by!!

take care,


  1. I'm so glad you are joining us Edgar. I love the RR start. The colors are wonderful!
    Hope your friends are okay. That is one doozy of a crash! Unbelievable.
    Have fun "Sailing Away!" I have a group of stitchers coming over to start this with me today. Your right, it is so much better with a group.
    Take Care.

  2. BTW, I loooovveee old movies too. I love your reviews. It gives me something else to put in my que from Netflix. Thanks for posting!

  3. Argh! My sexist pig of of dh walked by and referred to the driver of the SUV as a she. Make me happy and tell me Chris is a man. Glad your friends are ok!

    The red on your RR is lovely. I blame you (amongst others) - I'm starting to like Quakers...

  4. Great colours for the RR Edgar.

    Glad your friends walked away from the accident ok.

  5. Oh my I am glad to hear your friends were not hurt in that. How scary that must have been.

    One reason I do not drive in the city,I would have a death grip on my stering wheel. Thankgoodness for CalTrain.

    Your start looks wonderful.Look forward to seeing the Sail Away SAL.
    Take Care

  6. The SAL piece is wonderful. I love it and will be following the progress.
    I am glad your friends weren't hurt. But Their poor car. Was this while they were parked? Or moving traffic? I hope they don't get stuck with paying any of the damages.

  7. Oh my! Glad that your friends are fine! They've got quite a story to tell...and they're lucky that they've also got the pics from the media to go along with it! I guess that's one way to look at it! I think that the cab company owes them a new SUV :)

  8. Yipes! Clang clang clang went the trolley! Thank goodness no one was hurt. Edgar, that SAL is just lovely. Wish I had your energy and talent..

  9. Oh no...saw the crash on the news. So glad your friends were able to walk away from it unscathed!

    Wonderful new start to your RR. I love the colors!

  10. Glad to hear that your friends are fine after that crash! I can remember going down Taraval on the streetcar, talking with my favorite driver and he sort of paused and looked in the rear and side mirrors. I asked him what was wrong and he said a car just ran a stop sign and hit the streetcar, then bounced off!! I did not even feel it! The car driver sped off so we did not even stop!

    Your new start is looking good!


  11. Praise God your friends were not hurt! What a mess!

    Edgar your stitching is perfection!

  12. Thank God your friends are OK. Was the driver of the streetcar texting or talking on a cell phone? After yesterday's rant about HDTV, don't even get me started about those to items!!

  13. Oh my. I can't believe it. I saw that on the news. It really is scary driving on Market St. I am really grateful your friends are okay.

  14. My husband saw this crash yesterday and told me about it when he got home. I'm glad to know your friends are okay.

    And your re-start is looking great - love that color combo!

  15. Wow! Thank goodness your friends are ok! That is one scary looking picture! Love your start -- the colors are wonderful. And the SAL -- you know I thought today was the 4th! lol! I'm in trouble! Happy birthday, Terri!

  16. so sorry about your friends! I'm glad they are OK and were able to walk away!

    Looking forward to the Sail Away SAL :-)

  17. I love your start for your quaker. It looks lovely.
    I love that sail away chart. I think I will keep an eye on the group. It's such a pretty one.

    My son saw this pic of that acident... he said, "wow". I have to agree... glad your friend is ok.

  18. Oh, holey schmoley! I am so glad that your friends are OK after the smash!

  19. I like the new colour for your RR - certainly pops out of the fabric. Isn't it fun to change colours about?
    Looks like one of our Melbourne W-class tram's (the orange one) Glad to hear your friends were not seriously hurt - we have tram accidents all the time here, but perhaps we've become complacent and blase about them. Our city trams run on their own tracks and cars are not supposed to drive on them - however, once out in the inner suburbs you have to battle with the trams for space to drive. Nobody likes getting stuck behind a tram! Of course trams have to stay on the rails - so at least you always know where they are going.

  20. Your friends are very lucky! That car is totally wasted. Your stitching is superb as usual. How are the pooches? Hope they are ok.

  21. What a picture! I'm so glad your friends were able to walk away unharmed.

  22. Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada!
    I see your name popping up on a lot of stitchers Blogs, so I decided to see who you are! So..Hello!!!
    I enjoyed your Blog, and your stitching!!!
    Take care


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...