Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Posting

GR&DF thank you all for your kind words and support for my ongoing - hair ripping problem!!! And let me tell you there ain't much hair to rip!!! I am now sure that the balcony will not be finished by the end of August - today is the last day of the month. The worker types do not EVER show on Fridays - I guess there is just too much beer out there.... I did notice yesterday when we got home that they had attached the underneath covering - so that is another minuscule step forward. Now I am anticipating the painting/staining of all the wood that was replaced - not just the balcony but all around the sliding door there is new exposed wood. If they don't do something about sealing the wood by next spring it will be all warped and moss covered - I guess we shall see what we shall see.

I worked a little bit on Sail Away last night. I also started the Fall Needle roll Exchange piece. So there are not snaps this morning. :(

The flicker last night was the first two parts of a TV mini series called "Napoleon" - 2002 - starring - Christian Clavier as Napoleon, Isabella Rosellini as Josephine de Beauharnais, Gerard Depardieu as Fouche and John Malkovich as Talleyrand. This mini series is very good and easy to follow even if you have no knowledge of Napoleons life. The production is top notch and they went to great lengths to get the look of the film correct - costumes and sets are gorgeous and authentic to place and period. There are two more discs to come but if they are anything like this one it will be well worth the time put into watching the whole thing. For those who like history or the early 19th century I would highly recommend this series.

Keeping it short today, have a great weekend.
Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,


  1. Gotta love contractors! As for Napoleon, have you read The Josephine B. Trilogy by Sandra Gulland? It's fabulous. I also love period dramas like Dangerous Liaisons, the costumes in that movie are incredible. Have a great weekend!

  2. It's hard to remember August is almost over. What a bummer -- I sure hope those people get their a**'s in gear and get that balcony done. And well done as well, not shoddily done. Thanks for the recommendation on that TV series. I hadn't heard of it and would love to watch it. I'm off to do some research. :D

  3. Sorry your balcony problems are stressful. I hope the weekend brings you lots of smiles!

  4. BUen dia, tenia dias no pasaba por aca... no reconoci el blog, nesecitaba la cabra...Solo dejar un Hola edgar... y hummm esas berenjenas se ven lindas para hacer un rico pastel o berengenas con salsa roja y pecorino hummmm saludos nela...

  5. Hope that balcony gets finished SOON so that you can enjoy it!! (Plus, can you imagine the REALLY large family of pidge's that you could raise on a balcony?) {evil, wicked grin!!} :)
    Hope you had a lovely "treasure finding", "happy stitching" week-end! :)

  6. I am used to seeing a post from you on Monday. I hope all is well and you are just still sorting through your treasures from the weekend.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...