Monday, August 10, 2009

Some Stitchity Snaps and a Lazy Weekend

Gentle Readers and friends - I once again thank you for the kind comments!! It was again a wonderful way to start the Monday morning.

This weekend was very laid back... so laid back that we were basically comatose for two days - I can't think of anything that we did that was too strenuous. Dale was off in the hinterland camping - something he wanted us to do with him - but my kind of camping involves being able to get room service and TCM!!!! needless to say we did not go.

Rico and I did get to two Estate sales and all I got was a yellow ware mixing bowl - I forgot to get a snap - but it is of medium size and from the 30's. I also made two more batches of peach preserves - no snap - (what's up with that??).

Let's see....stitchity stuff - well I finally got back the piece I had at the framers - here is a snap -

This is the very first piece of cross stitch I ever did - if you look in the lower right corner you see it is dated 86 - so it has been kicking around for about 23 years. It is done on a cream Aida cloth and if I remember correctly it was a kit - but I could be wrong. This was framed by the new Michael's in South SF - for the amount of hassle getting this done - I am not too sure I would ever have them do anything else - and I am probably going to write some sort of letter letting those that need to know just what went on..... I know first hand that a letter put in the correct hands often does a world of good.

On the stitching front I worked on a finished up my section of the AEoL RR piece - here is a really crappy snap -

I am really happy with the way this is working out - I left off the date that will go into the lower right corner until it makes it home again. I wanted to do this section as I needed to change up a couple of the little pieces. I also got my extra floss and will now need to get it all together and sent off to Deb. Our first shifting isn't until September so I will wait a bit. I did have a question from Luned about the abbreviation AEoL RR - it is only the title of the piece we are doing - if you click the title it will take you to the blog for the RR (round robin) - "An Emblem of Love."

I also worked some on TiTD (This is the Day) - (no snap) and an exchange (no snap).

It was a big Movie weekend - with Bette all day Saturday and then Cary Grant all day yesterday. I got most of the Bette movies in - but since they are all on DVD and in my collection - I was sort of tuning in and out. I broke away from the Cary movies and watched "Cleopatra" - 1934 starring Claudette Colbert. It is way over the top and historically off on many things -but for shear movie star presence what a flick!! It is also interesting to note that 1934 was a banner year for Claudette as she made four super films - Cleopatra, It Happened one Night, Four Frightened People and Imitation of Life. I had a question about my obsession movie watching - and how do I watch so many movies - well, I watch for my own pleasure and the opinions I give are mine about the flickers I see. I also watch very few TV shows as most a either poorly acted, dumb in the extreme or so repetitive in dialogue or story line I want to gouge my eyes out!!! I also can not stand 5 mins of show and 8 mins of commercials - that makes me insane!!!! So I watch movies and usually there is either something on TCM or I have a Netflix DVD from the mail. If neither of those holds any promise I can always turn to my own library of film - so I watch a superior film instead of inferior TV schlock!!!!

I did want to mention to Berit how wonderful those illustrations are - and to welcome Elise to the Blog.

There you sports fans!!! Thanks for stopping by!

Take care,


  1. Edgar, I'm thinking you must stitch while you watch movies, am I correct? I sure do wish that I could do that - my eyes need glasses when I'm watching TV, but I cannot wear specs to stitch, so there ya go!

  2. I love your first ever stitched piece! So cool that you put the date on it! Sorry you had framing problems, so frustrating. I totally agree about writing a letter for the powers that be! They need to know.

  3. Hi Edgar,

    That's great that you got your first ever cross stitch piece framed.

    I hear you on Michael's framing. I took a piece there once and was NOT happy. Never again.

  4. Lovely 'first piece'! I gave away all my earlier pieces of cross-stitching so don't have anything now.

    Your AEofL is gorgeous. Did you use recommended threads or did you make changes?

  5. I'm so glad that you were able to have a look, and that you enjoyed them. :D

    Your weekend sounds fabulous! I finally got all(most--still need one wdw) my fibers for my "new start", which will be Beneath the Sunlit Sky from BBD (You're rubbing off on me!) Now, I'm only waiting for my linen! I'm thinking of ordering from another place (already got one on order from the LNS, but meh), and then it'll be a race to see which gets here first!

  6. Beautiful RR piece! And nice framed piece as well. It's always fun to look back on what one was stitching back when. :D I think you have the right idea about watching good movies instead of TV.

  7. Thanks for the explanation of the abbreviations Edgar. The piece is beautiful! I'm going to see if I can get the pattern here in Wales - if not I'll have to order on the web from the US and be patient waiting for it to arrive :)

  8. Nice to have framed your first piece. Sorry to hear you had problems. Was wondering how Michael's was since it's more convenient, I suppose I'll refrain from trying. Nice colors on the new RR.

    I still don't get how you stitch and watch a movie. I usually miss the important parts since that's when my thread decides to knot up or I lose count somewhere! :)

  9. The piece you recently framed reminds me of one of my early pieces. Amish dolls with "My Family and Me Welcome Thee." Ahhh, the 80s!

  10. Your RR piece has the prettiest colors. I think it's wonderful that you framed your first ever piece of cross stitch. Love those little watermelons!

    I hear you on the TV shows that are out there. My husband bought me a portable DVD player for my birthday, and I always have a movie going while I stitch rather than watching TV. I do have to admit that I am addicted to Mad Men!

  11. I love your first piece! Sorry the framers gave you s hsrd time. I'm big on letter writing!

  12. What a cute piece! I am going to look when I get home- I think my MIL just gave me an old leaflet with similar designs it. Your WIP is coming along beautifully!

  13. Thanks for the welcome Edgar...some lovely WIPs...I hope to see you at "my place" soon xx

  14. I love the colors you've chosen for your RR, Edgar. Just gorgeous!

    (My idea of camping? Turning off the AC and opening a window. ;)

  15. I don't know what my first piece was and I probably gave it away as a gift....I had something framed at Michael's once that when I went to pick it up it was so far off center it was ridiculous - the woman said they realized that it wasn't centered right but thought I might not mind so they didn't redo it right away....Yes, I minded and yes, they redid it. I am amazed at some people's idea of service!

  16. Your first stitchy is great! I don't know what you went through at Michael's but I can relate with an experience my DH and I had at Chili's when we lived in TX. Service was slow (we only ordered salad's) and after 45 min. we decided to leave. Our waiter told us "to come back when they weren't so busy"!!! And the thing was...they weren't!! It was after 7PM and only a couple other people in the place!! I was furious and sent a letter to Chili's telling them what happened and said I would never set foot in another Chili's as long as I lived!! So there!! Know what I heard back....NOTHING!!!

    You must be a fast stitcher. You seem to get a lot done in one session :)

    I would do away with TV altogether if it weren't for my DH. He likes his sports. I'm like you...I would rather watch an old movie any day :)

  17. Gosh Edgar, you stitch like a mad demon! Send some of your stitchy fastness to me! I need it!

  18. Edgar, I'm a newbie to your blog and am really enjoying it! I think it's great that you got your very first piece framed but am so sorry about your experience with Michael's on the framing. It's always so frustrating finding the right place to get things framed.

    Like you, I watch movies while I stitch. I don't find much on regular (cable) tv to watch for the same reasons you stated. Thankfully I've got a good (large) movie collection and a netflix membership! LOL I'm planning an MGM musicals marathon this coming weekend. Wanta join me?

  19. I Could not agree with you more on this statement! (I also watch very few TV shows as most a either poorly acted, dumb in the extreme or so repetitive in dialogue or story line I want to gouge my eyes out!!! I also can not stand 5 mins of show and 8 mins of commercials - that makes me insane!!!!)Finally someone that gets me, and puts it into perfect words. My husband doesn't understand my old movie obsession, and I keep telling him it's because the acting is so superior!

    Your RR is looking wonderful! I really love the colors. Your first piece is sweet too. I'm glad you finally got it framed.
    Take Care.

  20. Lovely stitching, Edgar! Fun to see people's very first stitches!

    Regarding TV commercials...I am seriously addicted to DVR. I'll wear out my skip forward button one of these days!

  21. I really like that first piece you ever stitched! It's cute!

    Glad you had such a nice, relaxing weekend!

  22. Edgar, I just love reading your blog! I too am a big TCM fan. Have you ever seen "The Green Pastures"? It's a 1936 B&W starring Rex Ingram as "de Lawd". I first saw it on Easter Sunday and loved it so much I ordered it from TCM. You MUST see it!
    Thanks again for your blog!

  23. I caught some of the Bette last Saturday but missed out on Cary as we took off to the lake for vacation...camping! lol. I adore Claudette. I love classic movies too. BTW! I absolutely LOVE your bowl!! I need to hit yard and estate sales more often!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...