Tuesday, May 22, 2018

An Anniversary

Gentle Friends, today would have been my parents 63rd Wedding Anniversary.  I flipped through their Wedding album and here's a couple of pictures I don't think I've shared before...


This past Sunday I again placed flowers on the altar of Most Holy Redeemer for them and Rico had the Mass Intentions said in their honor... 
It was Pentecost Sunday and the color choices were sort of preset... 

... but without my knowledge, they used Birds of Paradise, a flower my mom really liked and even grew... the arrangements also used other tropical flowers she really would have enjoyed...

That's about all for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. The flowers and arrangements are beautiful. I really enjoyed seeing the old wedding photos. You look quite a bit like your parents.

  2. Beautiful photos...what a lovely couple! Fabulous dress...Thanks for sharing ...blessings

  3. The Birds of Paradise are the perfect floral arrangement. They compliment the "flames" hanging, even evoking flames themselves. Thank you for sharing such sweet pictures with us.

  4. These are beautiful photos, I love her gorgeous dress. x

  5. Beautiful! It is so sweet of you to do this each year.....they raised you right!

  6. What a good looking couple. How dear of you
    to memorialize them and this event each year
    The flowers are always spot on...especially for
    Pentecost Sunday.

  7. Thanks for sharing your parents with us. They looked so happy and beautiful and handsome, respectfully. The flowers were great. And the mass intentions were a thoughtful gift to their memory. Again, thank you for sharing.


  8. They were such a lovely couple! The Church looked beautiful. It is special that flowers were chosen that your mom would have liked.

  9. What a nice remembrance! Lovely pictures and flowers—it's serendipity that they chose such a favorite!

  10. What a beautiful picture and a handsome couple!! Love the dress


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...