Monday, February 20, 2017

A Little Stitchy Start

Gentle Friends, after finishing up Sarah, I had a couple of things I was waffling about starting and finally decided on....

"Fragments in Time - Sampler Motifs" by Summer House Stitche Workes
36ct Barn owl - Using the called for GAST Floss
I got busy with the border and am really enjoying the limited palette - it seems to be stitching up quickly so I'll need to start thinking about what to stitch up next.....

It's a very rainy Monday morning here by the Bay and for the next couple of days, we're going to be wet!!  Thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. New starts are always fun - eager to see how this one develops! I like the muted colors.

  2. I love the colours in that border - just gorgeous!

  3. Nice choice! I really like the border colors. Looking forward to seeing this one appear with your needle and thread!

  4. Not familiar with this one. I'll have to try to find a picture of it online. I love the rain! I think I could live where it rained daily and love it. My hair wouldn't agree with that statement though. lol Frizz! Looking forward to seeing how this piece stitches up.


  5. Hi Edgar... love this piece... I stitched it myself last year. Be careful with that border... I assumed (I know... bad move) that is was quite regular... and it isn't... also the vertical dividing bands have some slight variations in pattern which I didn't catch and had to frog. I'm happy now that it is finished, but I don't remember any piece that I frogged so much. Happy stitching!

  6. You're off to a good start. I did that design a few months ago. It was a fun deign to work on! now I'm waiting for the frame to come in.


  7. Looking forward to this one...tread slowly on that irregular design..
    You are such a speedy are already looking forward to what's
    up next....while I sit pondering how long is this one I'm doing going
    to take...? LOL

  8. I have admired the 2015 version model at my LNS. These colors look like the newer version. Will enjoy seeing your progress. Looks gorgeous so far!

  9. Great start! The weather these days is crazy everywhere. I know you all need the rain, though.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...