Monday, February 6, 2017

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Freinds, thanks so much for all your kind messages.... I'm at about 74.9% back to my normal 96% ... I'm never at 100% normal...... still a little achy and I still have a cough, but this to will pass....  here's an updated snap of Sarah...

... the snap is a bit wonky but you get the idea.

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. What a beautiful piece, Edgar! I hope you're back to your "normal" soon.

  2. Edgar
    Glad to hear you are on the mend. I have a question on your current sampler--not to be critical and I am totally out of my league in cross stitch--in the last line on script capitals, are the U and V reversed? I don't know if this is stylized script and I do realize that V used to be used as a U. Just wanted you to know in case it is done in error. If I am wrong, please excuse my ignorance. All the best--dr russ

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Your Sarah piece looks great, those ducks are adorable! Take care!

  4. Wow, you've made lots of stitching progress! Glad you are on the mend.

  5. Glad you're feeling some better; keep doing whatever it is you're doing so you continue to improve. Sarah is beautiful and looks to be almost done; way to go!

  6. Beautiful project. Love that row of ducks! Good to hear that you're feeling better.

  7. Sarah is looking great. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Edgar!

  8. Glad you're doing better! There is some type of virus here that is lasting for weeks!!!! I've been lucky so far (knock on wood!)
    Your stitching is lovely! Love those sweet ducks!

  9. Welcome back Mr.74.9...hope you are back to your 96 in no time...
    There is a formidable flu going around these parts, as well.. Ply
    yourself with the C.....Sarah certainly benefitted from your time off.
    So beautiful...

  10. So glad you are feeling better! Your cross stitch piece is just gorgeous - love the ducks!

  11. So glad to hear you are better. Don't be surprised if that cough hangs around for awhile. My DH had it at Christmas and the cough is still with him, much better all the time but still not gone. I love that beautiful sampler!!

  12. Wowzers!! she's almost done and looking great!
    Feel better and better every day for s my hope for you ❤️

  13. Sarah looks wonderful. Great to hear you are on the mend!

  14. Glad you are starting to feel better. Nice progress, love the ducks in the garden.

  15. Glad you are feeling better and on the mend. This one's a pretty one! Hope your day is good.

  16. Glad you were well enough to stitch as it is looking beautiful, and near the finish line?

  17. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Looks like you'll be finished with Sarah soon!

  18. Lovely stitching. :) Hope your are back to feeling better very soon. ((hugs))

  19. Missed your Friday update - sorry you were ill and glad you're feeling better. "Sarah" is awesome!

    San Pedro, CA

  20. Cute little ducks you have added, its looking really lovely

  21.'s good to hear you are feeling better. That nasty bug has hit our home as well so I haven't been checking your blog as I normally would. I love, love the color of Sarah's house and the smaller building. Would you please share the color you are using? Thanks.


  22. This is just gorgeous! Take it easy -- hope you are feeling all the way back to normal now!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...