Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, over my loooong weekend I did get some stitching done .... here's a snaperoo...

... as you can see I am working my way down the left side to the urn and then will turn my attention to the right side.....

... aside from stitching I did practically nothing... I did some laundry, I vacuumed a couple of times, went to breakfast and out to coffee a couple of times... and watched quite a few movies... two things I didn't do...  I did not shave (and I am still pretty scruffy as I type this!!) and I did not wash the car....  overall it was a fun few days off...  and I am planning another loooong weekend soon!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. It is looking good, I am an orange fan so I am partial to those little orange flowers. Nice to do nothing isn't it, I am retired so that is my life. Lovely life too. My children always say when can I do just what I want, sleep late, go to bed late or early as the mood strike. I say work for 40 + years and this can be you too.

  2. That is such a very lovely design. Your stitching of the piece is inspiring to us all. Thanks for sharing. Maria S.

  3. Made me smile reading you didn't shave on your relaxed and easygoing long weekend lol

  4. I also did not wash the car--though I tried! They were closed due to too much threat of rain.

    This is looking fantastic--I love the opulent floral border contrasting against the dense, "geometric" interior.

    I felt pretty cabin-feverish and anxious this long weekend--did not take any movies or stitching--bet that was the problem! ;D ;D ;D

  5. I love this piece. It's so pretty! Would you please share the dimensions? Thanks.


  6. I finished a piece I had been working on and started a Halloween piece called Jolly Jack. I also visited my local cross stitch store and picked up two more projects. I have lots of stitching to do!!

  7. Sounds like the perfect long weekend! Lovely progress too on your beautiful sampler.

  8. Love the stitching! Long, lazy weekends are the best!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...