Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thrifty Thursday

Gentle Friends, once again we were out and about "thrifting" over the weekend.  I found a few fun things and something I've looked for on and off for a long time.....

... here's a snap of the haul... from the top... a fun little toy from "Nightmare Before Christmas" of Lock, Shock and Barrel in their tub going after Sandy Claws - I do love that film...  it is sitting on a super redware plate with some great slipware flowers, and although its really not me, I think this is a great plate... now what to do with it???....  We got to a couple of Estate Sales and I found a hanging cast iron receipt holder - and the prize of the day was a nice miniature portrait - and although it was broken in two (being painted on white glass), it was the frame I was after.......  and here's the story...

.....  I've had two of these miniatures since we broke up my mom's house a few years ago.  The one of my mother in the "new" frame I've had since we broke up my grand parents house over a decade ago, it was in a less than attractive leather frame and I've been looking for years for one that - 1) fit and 2) I liked and 3) could afford.....  it all came together on Saturday in this frame.... so now I have out the set of three, my mom, my grandmother and great grandmother......

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. beautiful frames and it is always so nice to have family photos. You have a knack for finding great items.

  2. Your frame is perfect! The set of the "mothers" looks great together

  3. Your family of ladies are very attractive.

  4. I love the old fashioned pictures and the frames are beautiful.

  5. It is so great that you finally found the perfect frame.e What a great little display.

  6. That is just great that you found the right frame for the grouping. I love the redware plate! You had a very good week-end of thrifting.

  7. How lovely! I'm glad you were able to find a frame that worked. I wish I had more time to thrift....that's when you gotta just make time :)

  8. very lovely grouping


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...