Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Wonderful Summer exchange and Some Holiday Stash

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends the mail was really very good to me yesterday!!!

As you might remember I am part of a small group of stitchers doing a year long exchange over at Friends Stitching Through the Seasons 2012, and yesterday I received my Summer Package from my partner Karen.  Here is a snap of everything she sent...

In addition to the beautifully stitched and finished Recipe Box, Karen included a couple of fun things....  a Wooly Wily and light up caterpillar.  Inside the box where a set of great molds and a patriotic heart to hang up - and - two lovely pieces of fabric for finsihing!!  Here is a close up of the Box...

It is perfedctlly stitched and the finishing is top notch.  I know this will be a wonderful addition to my kitchen and help corral some of my ever growing pile of recipes!!!  Thank you so much Karen another super duper exchange!!!!

The mail also brought some stash.  Every year Prairie Schooler releases new patterns for the Fall/Winter Season and this years additions I could not resist - I do love me some PS!!!!

In addiition to the New PS charts I got a couple of OOP Charts I won off the Bay of Evil...  both BoF Hallowe'en charts and both totally cute!!  I have been after these for a while and now they are mine!!!

I think my favorite of the new PS charts would have to be "O Christmas Tree" I really like the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments - and know they will have to be stitched up!!  I also really like the new idea of Hallowe'en Cards, like the annual Santa Cards

I started "July" Cottage last night after converting all the floss to over dyed choices I like (and have already).  I'll show a snap in a day or two.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for all the great comments and emails and for just stopping by - do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Great exchange you received Edgar, that recipe box sure is special!
    However, I have to ask (as I have never seen them here in Aus) but what on earth is a Wooly Willy?

  2. Wow! What a great exchange from Karen--her recipe box finish is adorable!! Enjoy the Wooly Willy--I used to have the best time with those things when I was a little girl :)

  3. What a great exchange from Karen! I am going to look her up & drop her a line to ask what that pattern is. I really like it! I remember Wooly Willy! Great memories : ) Wonderful stash you have there! The Santa with the mailbag is my favorite : )

  4. Lovely exchange, love the recipe box. W.O.W, what stash you have!!! Beautiful :) Eager to see your version of July

  5. Oh how cute it that! I love that little berries poem! I have it kitted up, just need to actually stitch it!

    Great stash too!! Can't wait to see the July cottage. I am enjoying seeing your finishes on that!

  6. Wow! Karen is a great exchange partner!

    Enjoy all your new aquisitions. (I'll be wathcing for something you make with those molds.)

  7. OMG! I didn't know they still made Woolly Willy's anymore! I remember them as a kid, which was like 100 years ago, ya know! LOL!

  8. What a great exchange you got! Great stash too! I love good mail days. :D

  9. Lovely exchange you received!! And love the stash...I am going to have to get the new Halloween designs by PS...they are awesome :o)

  10. hahahahah ... I had to read what you had put twice and then looked at the photo ..... gorgeous finishing on that box and great fun goodies you got too :)
    love the charts you got mmmmm the bay of evil is a wonderful place on occasions heheh :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  11. what beautiful gifts!!
    and that recipe box is just.. OH MY!! it's such a treat!! :D

  12. Just love the catapiller!! what a nice recipe box perfect for you!! Now the lemon cake and curd!!! what can I say - it may be this weekends dessert!!!

  13. Beautiful Colors on that sweet box--and I so approve of your stashing! Every piece (except this year's Santa) was already on my wish list. :D

    I do wonder if the halloween cards will become tradition--how neat that would be!

  14. Fabulous exchange, so perfect for you.

  15. What a fabulous exchange! I love the piece on the recipe box. You got some great new charts too.

  16. Wow Edgar, Now you have really tempted me. I just love Halloween/Fall stitching! Such a great exchange!

  17. What a great summer package your partner sent you! Coincidentally, I happen to have that LHN pattern and it's great seeing the cute way it's finished. Love all of your new purchases! It's so funny that you always refer to ebay at the bay of evil LOL Enjoy your new stash.

  18. Oh, what a wonderful package/exchange you've received. That recipe box looks awesome and the stitching is perfect.

    Yummy new additions to your stash there.


  19. What a wonderful exchange gift.
    Great new stash too. Are the triangular PS tree ornaments the same stitch count at the base as the square 12 days ones? I'm visualising being able to join them together to make some kind of 3D ball

  20. What a wonderful mail day - the exchange is lovely, and I love the new Prairie Schoolers!

  21. WOW! Great exchange. The box is beautiful. I haven't seen a Wooly Willy in years. Those molds bring back memories too. Great stash! I really like the new Halloween cards.

  22. What a lovely exchange! Enjoy your new stash:)

  23. Karen sure took care of you with her exchange package!! The box is beautiful!
    Great stash you have there too ~ looks like you have plenty to keep you busy!

  24. That recipe box is beautiful and so perfect for you Edgar!! Lovely things she sent you!! Those PS charts are darling!


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...