Friday, June 1, 2012

Thrifting and a Salad

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you all so much for the kind comments about Mary Ann - I am really enjoying the stitching and the Belle Soie....  I always love using that stuff!!

Last Saturday we hit a few estate sales and a couple of Consignment/Thrift Shops...  
I did find a few things...

A couple of super Christmas books - a lovely illustrated version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and "The Dreaded Feast" an anthology of humorous fiction, nonfiction and poetry about the Holiday Season, I also found another Longaberger Basket and a great Franciscan creamer in the Desert Rose pattern - I have no idea why I bought this little pitcher - I don't collect it nor do I have room for it......but it was not much money, in perfect condition and pretty....  I need to find it a good home with someone who collects "Desert Rose".... any suggestions????

With summer upon us - I can tell that by the calender since the weather here in the City has been hovering in the low 60s (gotta love SF in the summer!!!!!)  
I whipped up one of our favorite summer salads..

Broccoli Bacon Salad - it goes super with BBq'ed stuff !!  I'll post my version of this recipe over a Blacksheep Bakes at some point.

That's gonna have to wrap it up for the week sports fans.  I wanted to let you know that I will be away from the Blog next week - I will be in Florida visiting my Mom for her Birthday - she will be turning 86 next Friday!!

Until next time - Take care,


  1. Finding a great little basket is always a thrill. Good for you! I use one like this to keep my threads from a finish until I am ready to put them away in their proper drawers.

    Enjoy your visit and have safe travels! Happy Birthday to MOM!

  2. Looking forward to getting your salad recipe.

    Happy birthday to your mother. She and I share the same birthday.

    Safe travels.

  3. Hi Edgar, have a fun and safe trip. You'll be getting some warmer weather than SF for sure!! And, Happy Birthday to your Dad just turned 92 on Wednesday! Vera

  4. Congratulations on your win from chiara...

  5. Will miss your blog next week, but enjoy your visit with your mom. Tell her Happy Birthday from one of your blogging friends.

  6. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Your Broccoli salad looks scrumptious. I will be sure to make it when you post the recipe.
    Have a great trip.

  7. Looks yummy! Have a fun visit and safe travels!

  8. that salad looks delicious!
    looking forward for the recipe!
    have a nice week and happy birthday to Mom! :D

  9. I swear Edgar ... you must live in a HUGE home! You are always finding more & more goodies for it : ) I love the pitcher! If you don't want to keep it yourself & don't have someone who would enjoy you just handing it to them, I think you should have a giveaway for it. Put my name in the pot if you do : ) Lucky find on that & the books & the basket! Where does your mom live in Florida? I, too, wish her a very happy birthday & will pray for your safe trip there & back.

  10. Oh my goodness that salad looks amazing! I need the recipe for sure. Let me know when you post that.
    Love your finds too. Cute Longaberger basket. I know that Terri (Chocolate's for Breakfast) and Deb (Threadgatherer) both collect Desert Rose. Maybe you should have a giveaway. :)
    Have a good one.

  11. Great finds Edgr! I have my grandmother's set of Desert Rose, a pretty old set. The creamer is one of the pieces that my mother couldn't find in my grandmother's things. If you should decide to have a giveaway ~ I'll throw my name in!!
    Ooohhhh..... I love that salad. Haven't made it in a while ~ but maybe I'll have it this weekend!
    Have a safe journey to Florida and pass our birthday wishes on to your mother!!

  12. Happy birthday to your mom! Hope you have a good trip. Nice thrift finds. I was going to say about Terri of Chocolates for Breakfast too. Funny thing is I fell in love with the Desert Rose pattern years ago but never started collecting it. Too late now! Looking forward to seeing your recipe for the salad. Have a great trip!

  13. You always find the neatest things at those sales. Wish we had some like that here.
    Looks like you have sparked some interest in the cute little creamer!

    Safe travels to you and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your momma!!

  14. Happy Birthday to your mom ~ enjoy your visit and have a safe trip!

  15. It looks delicious Edgar. And some lovely finds there. Perhaps eBay?

  16. Hi Edgar, I have just discovered your blog. I came across from Greytail's blog. I really love your header photo - really clever and beautiful stitching. Looking forward to your recipe. Happy Birthday to your mum, as well.

    hugs, Kaye

  17. Only 60? Wow. I thought it would be warmer. I'm bracing. In July, it generally stays at 110 here. I can tell that I've acclimated to the climate because last year after two months of straight 110 days, it dropped to 80 and I was freezing.

    This comes from the WI/MN girl who thought that 20 was warm when it had been below zero for a week.

  18. Happy birthday to your mom - have a great trip!!

    Mary Ann is looking great - I agree, sometimes the border seems never-ending!

  19. Edgar, have a wonderful time with your Mom and a safe trip there and back. Happy Birthday to your Mom and hope that she has an absolutely wonderful day.

  20. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Safe travels.

    I love old books like that...nice find.

    Will watch for your salad recipe, it looks delicious.

  21. Your broccoli salad looks yummy!

    Love your longaberger basket! Nice thrifting haul!

  22. What a lovely group of treasures you found.
    Enjoy your visit with your mom.

  23. Hope you're having a nice time vising your mother. That broccoli salad looks good. :)

  24. That's my favorite salad ever. I make so many versions of it. Does yours use a sugary mayonnaise? And you have to have sweet green peas.
    Your blog sends so much traffic my way. I really can't thank you enough.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    aidan xo


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...