Friday, November 11, 2011

A Quickie Posting

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for answering my question about the SAL title - no matter the translation it will still be a great piece to stitch.

I did remember the silly cord this morning so here is the snap of my conversion...

On the left is the DMC floss that the chart calls for... and on the left are the silks I pulled to replace them.  I didn't stray too far from the original choices.  The blue/grey linen they are on is the 32ct piece I will try and use - I may not stick to it, but for right now it is the choice.  I did stitch a little bit, but not enough to warrant a snap.

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Veterans Day.  You can click HERE to read a little of the History of the Day.  Go out and thank a Veteran!

There you go sports fans - this wraps up another week - and we creep closer to Christmas - only 43 more days......

Take care,


  1. I have been doing alot of dmc to silk conversions here lately too...although, I picked up a prim pattern the other day and started it...nothing would work for it like good ole dmc...way to primish for the silks....I like what you did here with the BS and Glorianna conversions...I may need your help in converting our Cottages SAL to silks....have a fantastic day my west coast friend~~ Faye

  2. I am another fan of Belle Soie silks and frequently convert from DMC or even cotton overdyes to Belle Soie. And, Lord, isn't Glorianna the very lovliest fiber you have ever worked with? I know it is certainly my favorite ever since I was introduced to it during one of Thea Dueck's [Victoria Sampler] classes. Good luck with your La Belle Etoile SAL, I always look forward to seeing your progress photos.

  3. Something about seeing floss makes me do a happy dance ;-)

  4. I like the convenience of DMC, but I have been using silk on some things lately and have to say it's a nice change for a little while. :) The colors you've chosen look great against the fabric.
    Enjoy your weekend! :)

  5. Great color choices! Love your fabric choise. Happy Stitching!

  6. Love the courage poster!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Lovely choices Edgar, and thanks for the reminder of how many days till Chrissie :@
    LiBBiE in Oz

  8. Edgar: I love the fabric color and thread colors very pretty.

  9. Nice threads. Happy veterans day and thanks to all those who have and still are fighting for us! So good of you to "remember" Edgar.

  10. Good colour conversion - I look forward to seeing your progress on this one. I am about to start Part 3 - I was called into work for Thurs/Friday so not a stitch was made these past two days!

  11. I like the colors for this and can't wait to see how it works up.

  12. Lovely post, lovely silks! Great color choices!! But, did you really have to put the Christmas Day countdown? Did ya?? :@

    No pressure there at all! LOL.
    Hope your needles are smoking. I am going to have to get bionic hands, turbo needles and elves at this rate. Yes, that is what happens when one is a slow stitcher and reads blogs...LOL.

    Your projects are gorgeous! I really enjoy coming here.

    Happy Thanksgiving (it'll be here before I know it),

  13. Hi Edgar, i simply love your blog and the way you cook and live. Hugs from a new follower and friend if u want me to be. From Italy with love, Varla Lee.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...