Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some Christmas Stitching

GR&DF I have returned from another wonderful Christmas with my family. As we have done in the past we gathered at my sisters house in Washington State for our family fun. In a day or two I will have some snaps and a post about the visit but for today I am sticking to stitching - there is a butt load of work here and I really should be getting to that mess..... but that's no fun so I think I'll talk about the needle and floss.

Casting your mind back to the beginning of December you may remember that I started a "Christmas Stitch." I have always wanted to stitch a Christmas piece during December but for some reason I just never have. This year was different I stitched up Lizzie Kate "Christmas Rules" and here are some snaps....

Lizzie Kate "Christmas Rules" - 12/1 - 12/23
36ct LL L/Exp - recommended floss and included buttons

This was a really quick piece to stitch - I could have finished it up sooner but made it last as long as possible to finish close to Christmas. I attached the included buttons as they are part of the design, but I am still not sure about the size as they do seem a bit big - the piece is charted for 28ct and the buttons are sized to that count -

I took along a little sampler to start as I knew I would finish the LK piece while away from home. The piece I took I had already kitted up a while back so it was a no brainier - here is a snap..

It is very small at 110x101 I knew it would be an easy piece to work on. It is "Rose Hill Manor Sampler" by Sheepish Designs. I am stitching it on 36 ct something and using my conversion of VC silk. It is mostly fill stitching, the grass and the house. The oddest part of this sampler are the sheep or whatever the animals in the yard are supposed to be.... very odd.

There you go sports fans, glad to be back and hope everyone had a great Christmas time!!!

Take care,


  1. I love them both Edgar !!! Glad you had a great Christmas and Welcome Home!!!

  2. Edgar: I am so glad to see you are still with us I was getting worried, I am so glad you had a great Christmas.
    Your Lizzie Kate is wonderful we await the framed picture post.
    The Sheepish Designs pattern is lovely, I did a Sheepish Designs a long time ago I just never had it framed it is the one with sheep in the front yard.
    Happy New year to you and your family.

  3. Happy you've returned safe n sound with all the weather out there! Love the Christmas Rules finish.

  4. What a fun Christmas piece, and your stitching is as beautiful as always! Have fun with Rose Hill Manor. Glad to hear you enjoyed your Christmas!

  5. Love your LK Christmas finish! Looks great! Great idea to stitch a Christmas piece during December. Might try to do that next year. :-)

    Hope your Christmas was merry!

  6. I love your LK finish! And the Sheepish piece is gorgeous! Glad you had a great Christmas with family!

  7. You deserve a wonderful Christmas with all your thoughtfulness and hard work leading up to it. I am so glad you had one with your family. The stitiching is glorious and I loved the wording "share your toys" and "no pouting" etc. Your quick pieces are my "taking a long time" pieces so it is great to see something finished but most of all enjoyed by you. You are inspiring! Happy new Year and lang may yer lum reek!

  8. Hey Edgar, The LKk turned out beautiful...I love the 36 ct fab you went with!!.... Dont you just love Sheepish Designs??!! I went through some of my inventory yesterday and I have 15 Sheepish Designs.....I have not stitched all of them....just love collecting the charts!

    Wanted to wish you and Rico a Happy New Year and much stitching time in 2011~~~

    Take care, Faye

  9. Wow, you stitched Lizzie Kate over the holidays! Beautiful work!
    And your Sheepish Designs is very nice.
    Glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.
    Wishing you all the best for a wonderful New Year!

  10. Beautiful finish! I think the buttons look fine on the 36ct. Such a cute design too. Love the new start, I haven't seen this one before. Happy New Year!

  11. OOh! I love the sentiments in that LK piece; and I'm getting to love "guessing" what the animals in some of these samplers are--usually I decide it's one pokemon or another as they can be really outlandish.

    WB to blogland!

  12. Love your comment about cleaning up the mess is no fun, so let's talk about stitching. I practically have to bribe myself to do my housework: after you vacuum you can stitch for a half hour, etc!
    Your stitching is awesome as always. Love the Lizzie Kate, may have to add that one to my collection of projects that I'll never do! So much to stitch, so little time.

  13. Welcome back!!! Your finish and start are both lovely!!!

  14. Congrats on your Christmas Rules finish! It looks great with the buttons. But if you change your mind about them, let me know and I can buy them off you. I bought my patterns second hand.

    Lovely start on the SD design!

    Happy New Year!

  15. Welcome back! I love Xmas Rules!Ariadne from Greece!

  16. Welcome back Edgar! It is so quiet without your posts to cheer us! Glad you had a good Christmas! I cannot believe how much stitching you got done. I guess it just depends on who you are around. I was around five extra people in my home, 3 under 15--thus, no time hardly to stitch. But I did do some, and got them to stitch a little too! Happy New Year to you and Rico! Hugs.

  17. Great stitches!

    Makes me want to dig out my Sheepish patterns!

  18. Love your finish of "Christmas Rules". I would like to stitch it too someday.

  19. Glad you're back safe - I missed your posts. Stitching is beautiful and those animals do look a bit strange, but lovable.

    Happy New Year!

  20. Great L*K finish! Perfect for the Christmas season.

    Nice progress on your Sheepish design sampler.

    Happy New Year! I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year and look forward to 2011.

  21. I wouldn't swear, but think those are goats... Pretty stitching!

  22. Your LK piece is cute. I could never get that stitched in a month because I am a slug stitcher. The newly started sampler's animal does look a bit different, just think of it as folk art!

  23. A beautiful finish! Such a bright and pretty Christmassy colours. :)

    I wish you a very happy and stitchy year of 2011!

  24. Love, love, love that LK finish. It's on my to get and do one day list. :) I also like your new start. Very pretty.

    I'm glad you had a lovely Christmas and look forward to the photos and details. :)

    I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year!

  25. Love Christmas Rules. Beautifully done as usual.
    I must tell you I've made two big batches of Chex Mix since your post about it. I love the recipe because it can be adapted to whatever you want to put in it! I really vamped up the spicy seasonings though!

    My SIL lives in Washington State right on the water in Gig Harbor. Beautiful state, isn't it? So glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas with family.

    Happy New Year!

  26. You are a rock star!!! That is super fabu-wonder-lish!
    LOVE IT!!! And what a cool thing :)
    You know...I was "going to" do this fabulous thing for the first 12 days of Christmas and I bombed big time.... maybe next year!

  27. I love Christmas Rules! It turned out perfect. The SD design looks wonderful so far. Glad you had a lovely time with your family and had a safe trip.

  28. Glad you're back, Edgar and that you had a nice Christmas!! I actually became a follower on your blog while you were gone - venturing out there a little! :-)


  29. Hi Edgar, your Christmas Rules looks great !! Mine is in my WIP basket ! I love it on 36ct. Did you stitch it with one thread or two?
    I also love your Sheepish Designs Sampler. I've discovered that I don't have anything in my stash by that designer, so I'll have to buy something, won't I? :-) They are great designs !!
    Happy New Year !!

  30. The Rules Rock! Gorgeous. I had to laugh at your comment about your new piece because my first thought was... is that some sort of sad donkey?
    Happy New Year!

  31. What a gorgeous finish! It looks absolutely amazing!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...