Gentle readers - thank you so much for the positive feedback on yesterdays installment - It is certainly nice to be so encouraged by you all!!! I did have some questions about the book that the "Lo Rose" sampler came from - here is a snap -

It seems to be harder and harder to find at a reasonable price - and this copy has already been spoken for - or I would have some sort of drawing for it here.
On last Friday I posted about some flickers and then asked for suggestions of films to see - and you did not disappoint.
Sue had some suggestions and two of them I had already seen - "
Picnic at Hanging Rock" - 1975 - I have seen this film a number of times and always enjoy watching this gorgeous mystery film!!!! - The second film is "
The Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Desert" - 1994 - a really fun adventure film - both of these Australian films are really wonderful and I would highly recommend them!!!!
Doris suggested "
Random Harvest" - 1942 - a great film with Greer Garson and Ronald Coleman all about memory loss a remembering - both Garson and Coleman in top form!!
CarolG suggested "
Madame X" - I think she was talking about the 1966 version with Lana Turner - a great Lana Vehicle - and not the 1937 version with Gladys George a good film if a bit disjointed. The Lana film is better known and a better version!! This now is sold a double feature DVD with "
Portrait in Black" - 1960 - another super Lana film all about murder!! If you throw in the 1959 version of
"Imitation of Life" you have a triple Lana Featureama!!!
Barb is a Woody Allen fan and suggested "
Annie Hall" -1977 - I am not a big Woody fan but have seen most of his films - my favorite film of his is "
Radio Days" - 1987 - this is one of my all time favorite movies... I have seen this dozens of times and enjoy it every time!
Rowyn suggested "
Veronica Guerin" - 2003 - I have not seen this film and it is now in my Netflix queue. It looks like a great film.
Debbiesfl suggested two films '
To Sir With Love" - 1967 - and "
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" - 1947 - I have seen both of these films and thoroughly enjoyed the viewing. "The Ghost and Mrs Muir" is a real tour de force for Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison - It is probably one of her best roles!!
Lisa suggested "
Where the red Fern Grows" - 1974 - I remember seeing this a very long time ago and need to re-view it - so it also is now on the Netflix Queue.
and... Sandra suggested a film I hadn't herd of - "
Don't Look Now" - 1973 - starring Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland..... I am intrigued by this and certainly will need to see it.... also now on the queue.
Thank you all for the flicker feedback - !!!!
I saw quite a few films this weekend - starting off with "
Milk" - 2008 - I enjoyed this film and it was interesting to see SF during the 70's. Also viewed that classic "
Maltese Falcon" - 1941 - a super film I enjoy watching seeing over and over again!!
Then there was the premier of "
Grey Gardens" - 2009 on HOB - what a super film - an excellent job by both Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore. If you have seen the 1975
documentary you will want to see this film!!
There was also on TCM - "
So Long at the Fair" - 1950 - starring Jean Simmons and Dirk Bogarde - a beautiful suspense mystery film - if you get the chance I would take the time to see!
Last night I had the film "
The Cheaters" - 1945 - I had a copy as this has never been put onto DVD or VHS - and I must say what a great Christmas film this is - I had never heard of it and was totally enchanted by the story and the acting!!!
There you go a really long movie post - thanks for stopping by!!!
Take care,