Tuesday, March 24, 2009

RAK'd and Stashed

The mail brought me a wonderful RAK - from Corinna. She had noticed a chart form my wish list and offered it to me - I was so happy to get it and in the package she also included a few unexpected charts!!! That was so very sweet and thoughtful - her is a snap -

The chart from my list is the "Softly Walk" from La D Da - I am just loving the La-D-Da pieces like this one and think they would look just great stitched up and framed in a grouping. The other mail was some stashing - Everyone by now knows how much I love that silk from Belle Soie - AND they just released some new colours - what was I supposed to do - not get some???? I didn't get them all, yet - here's a snap -

This picture just bites, sorry!! The BS colours are just gorgeous especially the one called "mahogany." The CHS chart is an older one I wanted and the Plum Street one is a new on I just really fell for. Not that I am all that jazzed about the red, white and blue colour scheme - I just like the layout of the birds, letters and flags, and the little JBW chart one I didn't have. The WDW floss is some for an upcoming exchange - It seems that no matter how many colours of floss I have I always need a few for something. I am sure its a conspiracy within the industry!!!!

I am cutting it short this morning as I got a late start.
Tomorrow there will be no post as I am taking a day off - more about that on Thursday!

Thanks for stopping by!
Take care,


  1. What a great stash haul, Edgar! I would love to walk into a shop and buy floss to my heart's content! I have one Belle Soie Cranberry that I have yet to try. Maybe I'm afraid I'll get hooked too?

    I love the Free Bird too and agree with you about the colours. I think someone (perhaps you?) could stitch it up using different colours and it'll look amazing. Hmmm?

  2. New charts and new threads, can there be a better way to spend the day?

  3. Great Stash!!! I totally agree with the conspiracy thing on the floss!!!

  4. Lovely stash!! Love the BS fibers!

  5. That is an exciting RAK!! and awesome stash! Pretty flosses:)

  6. great haul there! I also got free bird just need to get my 40ct fabric for it.

  7. Great new stash. Congrats with your RAK :)

  8. That is some stash haul there.
    Glad you found some treasures on the weekend. That's what makes it fun!

  9. Nice stash Edgar. Enjoy your day off.

  10. those silks look wonderful!!! what a great stash haul you got!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...