Last night while watching Douglas Sirk's Written on the Wind" I worked on Serenity. I have finally finished up all of the designs for the body of the piece and this picture is the best of the bunch for the over all effect. I did change the "J" that was in the lower right hand side to "IV." As I am the fourth in my family to carry my name and I put an IV at the end of my name. Just a little more personalization. I did leave the "H" in the heart on the bottom as both of my middle names start with an H. This is a picture of the lower right hand side:

Here is the lower left as you can see I have started to do the border.

And, here is the overall effect of the entire thing, or I should say that here is the best picture of the entire thing that I got. The other ones all were blurry and not worth posting. I was wondering if I should when finished frame this sucker up or not. It is a really big piece of work and will cost a fortune to get framed. I don't have to decide right now and it can sit with the rest of the finished thing that are not framed until a decision is made.

This will probably be my last post for a while as we are travelling to South Dakota on Saturday, in fact driving all the way from San Francisco to Rapid City. We will be back around the 28th or 29th...... such an adventure, we are all excited about. I will have lots of pictures and tons of stitching done, I hope, that the posts after I get back will be heavily photoed. I wonder if that is a word???
Well, thanks for visiting and leave a note if you have the time, I always wonder who is surfing the web reading these things. I read lots of blogs and drop notes here and there, but for the most part I think we are very anonymous out there. I hope you are all enjoying what I have to say, as silly as it gets sometimes.
Take care,
Just one more thing, did you notice that I did not take on the movie....very technicolor and very Douglas Sirk. If you have not had the chance to see "Written on the Wind", you should take a look. Especially if you like the soap opera style of the 50's in which he worked. All I can say is if you liked the Lana Turner version of "Imitation of Life" you will totally like this movie.
Here is the lower left as you can see I have started to do the border.
And, here is the overall effect of the entire thing, or I should say that here is the best picture of the entire thing that I got. The other ones all were blurry and not worth posting. I was wondering if I should when finished frame this sucker up or not. It is a really big piece of work and will cost a fortune to get framed. I don't have to decide right now and it can sit with the rest of the finished thing that are not framed until a decision is made.
This will probably be my last post for a while as we are travelling to South Dakota on Saturday, in fact driving all the way from San Francisco to Rapid City. We will be back around the 28th or 29th...... such an adventure, we are all excited about. I will have lots of pictures and tons of stitching done, I hope, that the posts after I get back will be heavily photoed. I wonder if that is a word???
Well, thanks for visiting and leave a note if you have the time, I always wonder who is surfing the web reading these things. I read lots of blogs and drop notes here and there, but for the most part I think we are very anonymous out there. I hope you are all enjoying what I have to say, as silly as it gets sometimes.
Take care,
Just one more thing, did you notice that I did not take on the movie....very technicolor and very Douglas Sirk. If you have not had the chance to see "Written on the Wind", you should take a look. Especially if you like the soap opera style of the 50's in which he worked. All I can say is if you liked the Lana Turner version of "Imitation of Life" you will totally like this movie.