Sunday, December 25, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022
A Little Stitchin' and a Note.....
Gentle Friends, sooooo... I've been quite absent lately and I'm sorry about that, let me start off with the pitiful amount of stitching I've done (as I didn't stitch for about 5 days)... here's a really bad snaperoo....
Monday, December 5, 2022
A Little Finish and a Little Start
Gentle Friends, over the last week or so we had a lovely Thanksgiving with friends and family... and now we a quickly moving toward Christmas... I finished up the Winter Floral Sampler and here's a snap...
Friday, November 25, 2022
A Little Break
Gentle Friends, just taking a break from the Blog for a while.
I'll be back... look at the cute Chi in the meantime...
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Monday, November 21, 2022
A Little Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, still stitching my way across WFS... here's a snaperoo...
Friday, November 18, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends..... here's a sampler for the Thanksgiving season from about 10 years ago...
Monday, November 14, 2022
A Little Stitching
Gentle Friends, I'm stitching away on WFS, and here's a snaperooo...
Friday, November 11, 2022
Friday Flashback
Gentle Friends, today is another smaller sampler from the sampler wall...
"Flower Basket" - from La-D-Da
I couldn't find the linen type, but I am sure I used the called-for floss. I know this because even after all these years later I still remember that the lite blue floss used is a linen floss that, for me at least, shred all over the place as I stitched and was a nightmare to work with. I swore then and there when I finished this piece that NEVER again would I use linen floss again... and whenever I bumped up against it being used I will always substitute cotton or silk to achieve the color and keep my sanity.
There you go sports fans. Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good deeds!
Monday, November 7, 2022
A Little Fall Finish and a Little Winter Start
Gentle Friends, I finished up AGW over the weekend, and here's a snaperoo...
Friday, November 4, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle's flashback is a smaller sampler that seems to fit the's a snaperoo...
Monday, October 31, 2022
A Litle Hallowe'en and a little Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, just a quick wish for everyone to have a sane, safe, and wonderful Hallowe'en... and here's a little sampler for this fun Holiday...
Friday, October 28, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, with Hallowe'en upon us I thought I'd pull a piece for the Holiday. Sherry over at Celtic's Lacing and Whimsical Thoughts and I traded some emails regarding Round Robins ... which got me thinking about a Hollwe'en one I was in a while back... here's a snaperoo...
Monday, October 24, 2022
A Little Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, so, finally, I have finished up the house... I am now ready to move on... here's a snaperoo...
I just poped it out of the Q-snap and there she lays in a crumpled state... this piece is a really heavy "fill" piece for using up the silk... but I knew that going in so I'll trudge on. I made a decision on my Christmas stitch and ordered up some of the missing silks for that. They should arrive in the next week or so... I'm a happy camper!! Now on to more border stitching!
Thats about it for today sports fans. Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! good deeds!
Friday, October 21, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, I do love the series of Hawk Run Hollow and have stitched a few of them... let's start off with probably my favorite one...
Monday, October 17, 2022
A Little Stitchin' and a Little Stash
Gentle Friends, although I worked some on AGW I was down for the count over the weekend and did next to no stitching for two days. I felt like crap and did 3 separate covid tests thinking I had finally been struck down, they all were negative and I started feeling better this morning so I'll just post where I left off...
Friday, October 14, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, a piece from the wall of samplers...
Monday, October 10, 2022
A Little Stitching
Gentle Friends, here's an updated snap on AGW...
That's about it for today sports fans. Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Friday, October 7, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, looking way back before the Blog even I stitched this...
The old thumb is getting better but I keep snagging the healing wound on the silk floss when I push the needle up, but I keep going. So, Monday's update on AGW will be smallish for sure.
Have a super weekend and thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Monday, October 3, 2022
A Little Stitching
Gentle friends, here's a snaperoo of AGW...
Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Friday, September 30, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, I've always loved stitching Quaker pieces, but none more than this piece...
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
A Little Fall Music
Gentle Friends, a lovely song sung by the incomparable Nat King Cole.......
Monday, September 26, 2022
A Little Stitching
Gentle Friends, stitching away on AGW, and here's a snaperoo..
That's about it for today sports fans. Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Friday, September 23, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, today is a Christmas piece that I stitched about 10 years ago...
Thursday, September 22, 2022
A Little Autumn
Gentle Friends, with the autumnal equinox upon us here's a little Vivaldi...
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
A Little Movie Watching
Gentle Friends... here's a movie list I made up long ago...and I still stand by my choices...
15 Movies to watch again and again!! In no particular order......
Monday, September 19, 2022
A Little Stitchin'
Gentle Friends and the heavens opened up and there was rain... quite a bit here in the Bay area... as we left Mass yesterday morning it started up and on the drive over the hill into Noe Valley, the 5 minutes it takes to get home it whipped up to damn near torrential!! Then it was off and on all day Sunday. On the stitching front I'm still plugging away at AGW... here's a snap of how it is shaping up ...
Friday, September 16, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, I picked another piece off the wall to showcase today. " Le Jardin des Arbes" - A Garden of Trees... here's a snap...
This piece I stitched about 12 years ago. It comes from a French Magazine called "Mains & Merveilles Broderie Creative." Even at the time I first saw this on another Blog post the issue was OOP. It took me a while to figure out from whence it came and then was lucky enough to borrow another stitchers copy so that I could stitch this sucker!! Originally the sampler used only DMC but I converted all those to GAST floss and then stitched it on a piece of 36ct? PTP Heritage linen. The saying in the middle translates loosely to "Each tree Welcomes its way to Spring." It's a piece that I really loved stitching and see it all the time and still love seeing it hanging on the wall. It is a shame that there wasn't a Fall piece to go with it but thems the breaks I guess!
That's about it for today sports fans. This Sunday/Monday we're expecting our first rain here in the Bay area for months, not much but we'll take any drip or drop that falls at this point! Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Monday, September 12, 2022
A Little More Fall Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, I've started the second Hallowe'en piece... not too much to show but here's a snaperoo...
Friday, September 9, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, I was putting some of the finished pieces into the"box" of finishes, basically a box full of rolled-up unframed cross-stitch, and saw this great piece...
Saturday, September 3, 2022
A Little Finish for Fall
Gentle Friends, I finished up Salem Remembered this evening, and here's a snaperoo...
Friday, September 2, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, I was dusting up the things in the stairwell where the wall of stitchin' lurks and noticed this sweet little piece from long ago...
Monday, August 29, 2022
A Little Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, moving along with SR... here's a snaperoo...
Friday, August 26, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, now that we are quickly heading to Fall, my favorite time of the year, I have really started thinking abut the upcoming Holidays.... and Christmas is at the top of the list... so here's a piece from about 10 years ago...
Monday, August 22, 2022
A Little Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, slow but steady stitching on SR... without a "real" chart the counting has been very tedious and there has been quite a bit of frogging... here's a snap...
Friday, August 19, 2022
Flashback Friday
Gentle Friends, today I pulled a compilation piece of cute sheep... here's the snaperooo..
Monday, August 15, 2022
A Little Stitchin' Finsh and a Little Stitchin' Start - Fall I
Gentle Friends, I finished up Mary Ann, or I should say I finished up my version of Mary Ann, as you might remember it was an exclusive kit from a Facebook Group I belong to... here's a snaperoo...
Salem Remembered - The Primitive Stitcher
36ct "Barn Owl" - Birds of a Feather
Various Silks
You might notice linen I'm using is a wonderful piece of older BoF Barn owl. Quite a few years ago Birds of a Feather were linen dyers in Oregon that made the most gorgeous linen that was a dream to stitch on in beautiful colors. All the linens were named for birds and this was my go-to linen!! They have long gone and this is my very last piece of linen from BoF. It's kinda bittersweet using this last piece but it had to go at some point and I'm happy to use it for this stitch.
That's about it for today sports. Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!
Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!
Friday, August 12, 2022
Flasback Friday
Gentle Friends, today's stitch is one from the Hawk Run Series from Kathy Barrick... from quite a few years ago... here's a snaperoo..
9/5/07 - 9/14/09
Lambswool 32 ct Linen Recommended NPI Silk
A Little bit of Stitchin'
Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...
Gentle Friends I will be away from the Blog for the next couple of weeks - as my mother who had been sick over the last week - went from...
Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thank you most profusely for all the kind, sweet comments for yesterdays post. I did have a great time over...