Thursday, August 29, 2019

Our Hearts are Broken.....

Gentle Friends, as you may remember our Miss Peaches was getting on and has been living with congestive heart failure for the past 4 years, 3 different pills twice a day and all that.  But, she's been a trooper and running with the pack of Who Hounds... even as her hearing and eyesight worsen nothing seemed to slow the old girl down.  Up to the last couple of days.  We could see she was really fading quickly and then last night she passed from this existence at 4:05.  She went to join Hunny and Pete over the Rainbow bridge....

2002 - 2019

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your special baby. Sending hugs and prayers to you both. x

  2. So sorry for your loss. Hug the rest of the Who Hounds and regale them with stories of Miss Peaches.

  3. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. Been down that road many times.
    I am thinking of you & Rico during this difficult time. Many blessings....

  4. Sending hugs to you and Rico over the loss of Peaches. I am so sorry!

  5. My deepest condolences to you Edgar, as well as to Rico and the other who-hounds. Take comfort in the fact that you gave Peaches a long, happy life. RIP

  6. So can be so heart-rendering..but Peaches had the good life
    in your Family and home and even better now over the rainbow bridge.

  7. So sorry for your loss Edgar. Sending hugs and happy thoughts to you and Rico.


  8. My condolences. It's never easy to lose a family member. Hang in there.

  9. So very sorry... We never have them long enough. {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}

  10. Thank you for sharing Peaches with us, allowing us to love her at a distance. My deepest condolences to you, Rico, and the Who Hounds.

  11. My deepest condolences to you, Rico and the rest of your fur babies.

  12. So sorry to hear about Peaches

  13. So sorry for your loss...those sweet creatures just don't live long enough compared to our lifespan.

  14. I lost my beloved cat, Bess, on July 9th and found out a week later that her sister, my sweet Rosie, has a cancerous tumor and will soon join her sister. I understand your pain and extend my heartfelt sympathy. My heart is also breaking.

  15. Edgar, I am sorry to read this. Treasure the memories you have of The Peach.

  16. I am so sorry Edgar. You and Rico have my sympathy and prayers. I do know how much of the family these sweet little critters become!

  17. With deepest sympathy to you and Rico. What a wonderful life you blessed her with.

  18. Oh, Edgar! I'm so sad for you and Rico and The Who-hounds!!! I've always had a soft spot in my heart for your Sweet Peach! Rest In Peace, sweet girl!

  19. So sorry, Edgar. May you, Rico, and the Who Hounds find comfort in the happy memories of Peaches.

  20. I am so sorry, Edgar. Such a treasure chest of memories Peaches has given you!

  21. I was so sorry to read this about your Miss Peaches, I hope you are comforted by the fact that she had a happy life.

  22. I am so sorry for your loss. She had a wonderful life with you and Rico as her pet parents.

  23. Sending sincere sympathy to you both. Will miss your Peach stories...

  24. Edgar, Rico, and the Hounds; My deepest sympathy at the loss of your special little girl. I've enjoyed reading about her antics with the other hounds over the years. Her loss leaves a huge hole in your hearts, I know.

  25. Oh I am so sorry my friend! Such sweet little one! AriadnefromGreece!

  26. So very sorry for you and Rico - it is heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet......

  27. So sorry for you and Rico - it is so hearth breaking to lose a beloved pet

  28. So sorry! They are family and we grieve their loss. Peace and comfort to you both.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...