Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Little Thrifting

Gentle Friends, there's not been too many things out there to bring home.  I've been making the rounds and "pickins' is slim" to say the least.... however, at one of the Antique Collectives (Antique Malls) out here on Valencia Street, I found this...

...  great frame c. 1900.  I really like the brass mounted glass "jewels" on each corner... I popped the cabinet card that was in it out... and popped the photo of my Grand Mother (L) and her sister my great Aunt Mary (R) as children in place.  It was taken in Galesville Wisconsin in the winter of 1899.  I've looked for years for a frame that would be appropriate and as with most things... perseverance pays off.  Now, I need to get this sucker on the wall somewhere.....

That's about it for today sports fans thanks again for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Oh, well done! I know from my paternal grandmother's home in Iowa that this frame is perfectly time-appropriate.

  2. Great frame! And you found an excellent way to use it.

  3. Fabulous frame..great find photo looks perfect in it!

  4. I think that frame was just made for that picture!!

  5. Agree with the above posters...that frame is perfect for your grandmother and aunts' picture. Perseverance does pay off! I love their coats, by the way.

  6. Love to hear you have ancestors from Wisconsin. My home state will have to check out the town. Love hearing your thrifting shopping.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...