Monday, March 26, 2018

A Little Stitchin

Gentle Friends, we're all a bit damp from the rain last week, and the Bay area is still in the "grips" of what passes for winter out here... mid 40's.  But yesterday was breezy, cold and sunny so what do I have to bitch about...chilly weather and sunshine...I should be more grateful!!  Palm Sunday started off with a lovely early morning Mass.... then for the rest of the day I sat around and stitched, ate a piece of cake and wrapped up my day with a massage...seriously, 
I've really nothing to bitch about!!!!!  

Now, today starts off a short week for me as I've taken off Maundy Thursday, we get Good Friday off and then just for good measure I took off Easter Monday for a really sweet Looooong weekend!!!!  Let's get back on track... I'm still working on LVS and here's a snap...

... I've finished up the next two "Virtues" and the border.  The biggest change I made was in "Kindness."  The pumpkins were supposed to be a golden color but I wanted them to be a more pumpkin color so I' stitched them in GAST "Pumpkin Pie" and also changed the leaves which are GAST "Otter Creek."  I had quite a few inquiries about what I'm stitching in the center...

... a few years ago I saw a completed version of the Sheep Virtues stitched all together and knew then I wanted to stitch them this way as a single sampler.  Following that original stitcher, I've lost the name,  I will be filling in the middle with Country Cottage's "Sheep in the Meadow."  I will be replacing the color palette of "SitM" with my floss choices from "Virtues" so that they will blend together better.

I've also sort of decided that my next "stitch" will be a Quaker piece. I've got a ton of Quaker charts in my stash and haven't done one in a really long time so I think that's the way I'm leaning!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. It is looking good, Edgar. I like your pumpkin changes.

  2. Looking good, Edgar! Enjoy your short week and your long weekend...

  3. Ok, I am had to giggle at "wrapped up my day with a massage...seriously, I 've really nothing to bitch about!!!!". :)

    I have been wanting to do a Quaker piece for a while, too. I can't wait to see what you pick to stitch.

    I'd send you sunshine, but sadly, we only have grey skies today, and temps are chilly, too...perfect day to stitch. I can, however, wish you a totally awesome day. :)

  4. Have a fun short week and long weekend! Lucky guy. Thanks for the picture and name of the middle piece of your sheep creation, I'll file that away for a future stitch.

  5. Simply gorgeous stitching. In England Easter Monday is a bank holiday along with Good Friday so everyone gets a wonderful long weekend. x

  6. It's looking fabulous!! Cake and a massage sounds like an ideal day to me!

  7. That's looking beautiful Edgar. I love your idea of changing the colours in the centre piece to match the Virtues, it's going to look wonderful.
    Enjoy your long weekend!

  8. Most gorgeous...surely a spectacular piece with what you have chosen for your center stitch😍...loving your color changes...will look forward to seeing your Quaker piece ....Blessings on a beautiful Easter...

  9. A great week to look forward to

    That looks beautiful. Am sure the whole piece is going to come together beautifully

  10. Dearest Edgar: This is a beautiful design, I like the fact you changed the pumpkins.
    Last week I had seen a sign at a church and had to look up Maundy Thursday, I had never heard of Holy Thursday as Maundy Thursday.
    I will be doing an hour of Adoration at 02:00 am on Holy Thursday, I need rest lots and lots of rest. We have an Adoration Chapel in Church it is beautiful and so calming to the soul.

    Happy Easter

  11. Sheep in the Meadow seems like the perfect centerpiece for your latest
    creation...The blended colors will make it another Edgar masterpiece.
    Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Vigil Mass on Saturday will bring
    Lent to a conclusion and then I can join you in the Cake indulgence.
    Now, the massage is another sort of treat we can all use & appreciate
    after the Winter of '18. Blessed Easter, to you both.

  12. I have stitched "Love" into a tiny pillow. I really like how you are combining all of these. This will be a gorgeous piece.

  13. This gets prettier each time I see it.
    Happy Easter

  14. This is going to be so special! Lovely plan on the center.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...