Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Little Weather

Gentle Friends, we've been having a really wet, chilly winter so far and yesterday was no exception... in addition to the on and off rain, we got some....

... hail.  I heard it coming down the street in a wave,  then full force... like little stones hitting for about 8 minutes it hailed quite heavily, and it melted almost as fast as it hit the ground.... but I enjoyed the "almost snow"!!

That's about it for today sports fans thanks for stopping by.... stay warm!!

Take care,


  1. Wow. Yes, I ive in San Pedro, CA and the weather was....GREAT... if you like "wet" and we certainly need it. As my husband (who is a pilot) said of it, "Geez, even the birds are walking today!"


  2. I love the rain! Hail not so much....any damage?


  3. We've been in the midst of a Nor'easter that is all rain and wind. My son in Palo Alto has been grousing about the rain and cold. He got caught here a couple extra days on Long Island at Christmas time due to snow. I hope you don'e have any more hail. Stay warm and dry.

  4. You guys down in CA are getting some of the badly needed water in the form of lots of rain and snow in the mountains. That's great!

  5. Dearest Edgar: Oh my hail, I would rather have snow, it is easier to drive on.
    I see on the weather channel you are getting loads of rain.
    We had 1/2 inch snow today, too little to use snowblower, had to shovel the driveway its a three car driveway with a long sidewalk ick.
    I hope you are all staying warm, and getting loads of stitching done.



A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...