Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Stitchin' Away on "Winter Band Sampler"

Gentle Friends here is where WBS stands.....

...... I am thinking of working back in "Mustard Seed" - it's a colour of floss I really like, it is just so close in shade to "Dirt Road" - the colour of the deer.  The gold pot was to be "Mustard Seed," as you can see I switched it out for "Olde Gold."  I'll see as I go along....

We've finally gotten some cold weather, and some rain over the weekend!!  We are dry for the next day or so, and then some more rain is on the way.  Of course, what brought on the rain was I washed my Car Saturday afternoon, and it started to rain Sunday, I often think to myself   "why bother!!" 

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Love the color substitution. Makes it all shiny! Hoping to put some stitches in on my God is Love today but I have to read some stuff for school and my hand is cramping up.

  2. Your sampler is looking gorgeous!

    Isn't that always the case - wash your car then it rains! In our case, in the summer it's usually after we have done watering the garden, then it rains the next day!

  3. Looking fabulous.
    That would happen to me too if I washed my car.

  4. That is beautiful...I love the deer!

  5. I hear that you're having a bit of a drought - so perhaps you had been slacking off in the car washing department. Now that you have a new ride, perhaps you will wash more often and help the crops as you do! (lol) Love the sampler!

  6. It is looking great! I am happy to hear you guys are getting rain, you sure need it.

    Is'nt that how it always hapens, Wash your car and THEN it rains LOL

    I hope you are haveing a great Tuesday!

  7. I love the sampler and the colors you have chosen.

  8. I too love the color switches, always fond of reindeer in winter. hey, I thought you people on the left coast had no water left.....how can you be washing your car.....here we just had 5 more inches of snow ( was to be a dusting)...tonight more. If I could I would send you some.....

  9. Oh my gosh, another beauty! I love that band of flowers at the top. Gorgeous!

  10. Lovely... and I love the 'mustard seed' color too!

  11. Dearest Edgar: I am sitting in my home office shivering a little from the cold, I look at the lovely piece you are working on and it warms my heartThis is a beautiful pattern, I have it in my stash and need to get going on it soon.
    Thank-you for sharing your update.


  12. Edgar, didn't you just love washing the Mini? It is ok that it rained the next day. You still spent quality time caring for your cute little car.


  13. I'm liking the color changes and your stitching just amazes me.

  14. It's looking fabulous Edgar - and the old gold certainly brightens up the vase

  15. Wonderful progress, Edgar. Love the color combinations and the deer! They look almost exactly like the deer on the Scarlet Letter German sampler I am working on in the most recent snippet I posted. Here is my blog if you would like to take a peek: www.juststitchingalong.blogspot.com , although mine look like they are breathing fire LOL

    Enjoy your day!


  16. Coming along beautifully Edgar! Sorry about the car - isn't that always what happens!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...