Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"Let's have another cup of coffee.......

....... let's have another piece of pie!"  Gentle Friends, a great song by the ever wonderful Irving Berlin.  It is from the musical comedy "Face the Music" which opened in 1932.  What, you might ask yourself, has that got to do with the Wednesday SF posting....  

Let me start here....we were invited to dinner and a movie at a fiends house, they have an in home theater, it's gotta be good to be wealthy!!... anywho.... the film they were going to show was

 "Sunset Boulevard" - 1950...  so I asked "what could I bring?"  You know I can't go anywhere with out bringing something, it's goes against my upbringing!  So I offered to bring desert.  I knew right away what I was going to bring....  a delicious pie  (see, I got back on track!!) and I knew where I was going to get said pie........... in the Mission, where there's a really wonderful pie place called,

 "Mission Pie."   it's a great place to get both sweet and savory pies.  Here's a snap of the menu, it changes daily....

I had in mind what I wanted to get before I went in, I had done some online research to see what the consensus was as to the "best pie" or "what the masses like."  Here's some more snaps...


and, even a rolling stack o'pies......

.... I eventually settled on......

... a delicious.....

... pear/blueberry pie, which seemed to be the pie of choice by those yapping foodies on line.... and who am I to go against the heard!  It really was a superior pie, one I would certainly get again!!  Everyone enjoyed what I picked, the pie was a total hit.  Over all it was a really fun evening, dinner, movie and pie!!

Here's a little song from 1932 I found on YouTube, enjoy.....


This weekend we're stopping by another fun place, we saw it mentioned on the Food Network.  I love being able to go to fun places I see on TV.  It is supposed to rain quite a bit over the weekend, so the snaperoos will be on the damp side!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks again for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Sunset Boulevard is one of my favorite movies and don't get me started on pie..LOL. I would be a happy camper with that combo :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I would weigh a million pounds if I lived near that shop!! Pear Frangipane! *faints* The pie you choose looks like it was awesome!! It's fun to have friends with great can enjoy them but don't have to worry about the upkeep! ;)

  3. Gosh you have such yummy places out there! :)

    Thanks for the is my favorite of all time for the era.

    Happy Stitching. :)

  4. That pie looks truly scrumptious.

  5. Oh my, I want some of that pie!!!

  6. My diet would be seriously damaged at that place!!!

  7. Sounds like a fun time, and the pie looks yummy!

  8. Wonderful! Thanks for taking me to this pie shop.

  9. Oh you know EXACTLY how to get me drooling! That pear-blueberry would have definitely been my choice as well, but I can almost assure you it wouldn't make it to my friend's house in any condition to serve. That's if it even made it there at all. I remember my grandmother singing that Irving Berlin song, by the way! What a great old song, a wonderful film to watch in your friend's home theater, and a delicious pie to boot! I'm sure you guys had a great evening!

  10. What a treat for the eyes that pie shop is... certainly makes the mouth water seeing all those tasty delights.

  11. Wow, all those pies look YUM! One of my favorite combos is peach/raspberry, but pear/blueberry sounds de-lish! Enjoy!

  12. I LOVE Sunset Boulevard. The story is strong and those fashions are to die for.
    You bring pie???? Oh honey, if you ever feel a hankerin' for a Trip back to ye old Florida, you be sure and drop by my humble abode! :)
    (I was brought up that way too...going back a couple of generations. You "never" arrive empty-handed).


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...