Monday, April 23, 2012

The Weekend Just Flew By....

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends why does it seem that the weekend is so short and the weeks are soooo long???  I try not to ponder that age old question too much...  it hurts my already overtaxed brain!!

We really did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary over the weekend.... a highlight for Saturday was  running some errands.  I did drop off an older stitched finish at the framers....  that will be ready in a couple of weeks.  It will be so nice to get it framed and up on the wall - instead of rolled up and in a drawer!!

Saturday was a really lovely day here in SF - the weather was perfect - bright sunny and in the high 70's low 80's, depending on where in the city you were.  I sort of cleaned house and watch the weather blow by - but that was fun also!!  Sunday the weather fell into the high 50's and the fog rolled in over Twin Peaks...  so everything was back to normal in about 24 hours - cool and windy!

I worked on Shores and finished up the "Pale Grey" on Block 8 - here is a snap of both Block 8 and 12 - I got the last square going.....

As you can see I am leaving the long stitched rigging on the ship on Block 8 until I complete all the cross stitching.  Here is an over all snap of Shores...

I am totally stoked about getting to the last block... !!  I also hauled out my next Hawk Run Hollow piece to start.  I think I will go with Autumn at HRH as the next one to work on.  I went over all my NPI Silks and find that I have about 1/2 of them already in my stash so I need to collect up the rest of them and decide on the Linen - then I can get going on that one.  That may be my 2013 Start on January 1st!!

We stopped off after breakfast yesterday at the Alamo Square farmers Market and I got some shots over there....

The tulips where really lovely....

We picked up some Iris' and Sunflowers for the house...

and here's a quick Movie Trivia Question..."The calla lilie's are in bloom again..."  who said it and in what film was it said......???  

I'll wrap up today's post with the cake I made yesterday...

It's a Cream Cheese Coffee Cake - I'll talk about it more tomorrow.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by - do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. I can't wait to see your framing! We are having a late in the season cold snap. Brrrrr. Shores looks lovely and the cake looks yummy!

  2. Hi Edgar,
    I love your Shores! I'm grateful that you have been getting it done so fast, because it gives me hope that I can finish mine up someday soon.
    I also would love to start AofHRH, and I have it kitted and ready to go. Interested in a SAL? I would do so much better on it if I knew that someone else was doing it with me.
    Sounds like perfect weather for you. We had the same. Lovely perfect weather is a treat for the soul. Hope you get some more of it this week.
    Have a wonderful week, and I hope it fly's by!

  3. Your work on Shores is beautiful!

  4. Almost a finish exciting, I know. Kate Hepburn in Stage Door. The calla lilly are in bloom again such a strange flower....Watch it on you tube...

    1. Brava!!! What a super film!! It will be playing this Friday 4/27 on TCM 8 PM EST / 5 PM PST -

  5. Katherine Hepburn said it and though I can't remember the name of the film it was the one about a boarding house full of young women with theatrical ambitions. I have enjoyed vicariously stitching the Shores of HRH through your blog and look forward to doing the same with Autumn at HRH. Though I have admired the series, I have never been tempted to actually buy it and I can't explain why. Maybe it was a sheer contrary unwillingness to do what "everyone else" was doing at the time. Who knows? Your photos of the Flower Market [and all the other photos of your clearly beloved hometown] are so lovely I almost want to move to San Francisco ... that is, until you mention fog and 50 degrees in the same sentence. That gives me chills to the very bone.

  6. You are making great progress on your is looking good....

    I love your Flowers that you bought...they are all so those colors too.

    Your cake looks awfully good...I love cheese cake anyways.

    I love reading your Blog...and looking at all of the pretty stuff that you buy, all the goodies that you make...and love looking at your WIP's. You do beautiful stitching.

  7. Wonderful stitching on Shores! You're almost done, yeah!

    Love the flowers and since everyone has already said it was Kate, I won't bother but I love that line - suitable for any occassion - weddings and funerals! So funny and so true!

    How is it you don't weigh 1,000 pounds with all the baking you do? Crazy!

  8. I have that guilty feeling every time i see Shores on here, mine was out of the bag at the weekend, but only on show at a stitchers meet up i was at ... must try harder to put in a stitch or two.

    I always have a jug of fresh flowers, my one decadant buy each week

  9. Your SHRH is gorgeous, such a huge accomplishment to complete one of these. That coffee cake looks so delicious! :D

  10. Sounds like your weather was pretty perfect over the weekend. Love how your Shores is looking -- you're almost done!! And that coffee cake --- mmmmmmmmmm......

  11. I love watching your progress on Shores!

    The flowers are gorgeous and the coffeecake looks yummy.

  12. Lovely progress on Shores! Yes, Kate Hepburn did indeed utter that phrase but then I think Bugs Bunny may have done a parody of it once upon a time : )

  13. What pretty flowers, but I can't think what movie that was from. I love when the irises bloom. Shores is looking great! You are in the home stretch! :)

  14. Shores is looking great Edgar. What other Hawk Run Hollow pieces have you stitched? Do you have all of them? I started Houses a few years ago and almost have the first one done.


  15. Good for you on getting that block finished! Wow, one more block and you're going to be finished! I hope that it goes quickly for you and you have another one wiped off the WIP list!

  16. Katharine Hepburn in Stage Door!
    Lovely scene! I love the old classics!
    Anyway Shores looks fantastic!AriadnefromGreece!

  17. Edgar, your Shores is STUNNING!! It's almost complete too!!! Beautiful flower pictures! I had calla lilies for my wedding bouquet. They are so elegant and beautiful. Not sure who said that line...hope someone else gets it!!

  18. I can't believe that you are already planning out 2013. I misread it as this was your 2013th start. That's how little I am thinking about 2013. Yikes man, slow down!

    But your Shores is fabulous. Maybe that will be my 2013 start. ;~P

  19. Dearest Edgar: I am excited for you that you are almost finished with Hawk Run Hollow piece it is beautiful, the cake looks so yummy and of course there are no calories.
    The flowers are stunning and you do know how to take lovely pictures. I think the statement from Katherine Hepburn was from The Stage Door a supurb film.

  20. Terry Randall (Katherine Hepburn) in Stage Door 1937 ...I love that movie~

  21. Your "Shores " is just beautiful!! The flowers are lovely too! Have a great week!

  22. Last block, can you believe that? I love you HAVE to wait until next year?

  23. Shores is looking great. Just that last block to go.

    Your trivia has been answered already, Ah, Hepburn, love her.
    Such a strange flower. :)

  24. Tell me about weekends being too short. Sometimes they are so busy that I feel I need a weekend to get over one!!
    Great progress on shores. I always love the pics of flowers from your farmer's market trips. Especially the lilies. Thanks for those :)

  25. Wow ~ you are so close with Shores! It looks great. Love all those flowers at the market and of course, your cake looks yummy!

  26. I'm just getting caught up on all your wonderful posts I've missed over the past few weeks. Once again I'm drawn to those lovely market pics. Such gorgeous flowers!
    Shores is looking fabulous and I can see the finish line is coming into view! Autumn is the only one of these I have in my stash but I'd love to do the Villages too.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...