Monday, April 16, 2012

A Monday Post with a Little Gift-a-Way Drawing

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends thanks so much for all the great comments and e-mails about Friday's post.  It is really interesting how much I have learned about where my Ancestors travelled from and what is "Right" and what is "Wrong" with all the Family stories.  I am often very frustrated with the lack of info and where some lines just sort of sputter out and end, but I guess them's the breaks!!  I should be grateful for the lines that I can trace further back than I ever thought I would be able to.  Most of my digging and Info gathering I have been doing on - a very good starting point - IMHO.

Over the weekend I finished up my Exchange Piece and it goes out in today's mail and should arrive by the end of the week.

I also worked on Shores....

I got the box for Block 12 stitched in and started on the Pale Pearl Grey fill on Block 8.

Didn't do too much else...  whipped up this little Poppy Seed Cake yesterday....

I found the recipe on - I'll post the link in the morning with my few changes.

We also stopped by an Estate Sale.  There weren't too many things I was interested in - except this....

I know there are quite a few JA Fans out there so I picked this wonderfully illustrated book to have a Drawing Gift-a-Way.  This will be a quick Drawing  - To enter all you need to do is be a Follower of my Blog, and Post a Comment on this Post only, that you want to be entered - Open to anyone anywhere the Mail can get this book to you.  I will draw a Winner on this Thursday evening, 4/19, and Announce the winner on Friday morning. You don't have to have a Blog, but I do need to be able to get in contact with you.

That's about it on this cool morning in the City By the Bay!!  
Thanks for stopping by - do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Dear Edgar, what a find! I am a follower through my own Blog Reading List rather than the "Be A Follower" mode ... whenever I have tried to do that I can't seem to erase the latest entries that then clog my Blog reader. Just call me technically inept. However, I am quite the lover of Jane Austen and all her works. Please consider me for this giveaway

  2. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. That cake looks yummy.

    Yay for making progress on Shores - it's coming along nicely!

  3. You are so close to finishing your shores of hawk run, I'm working on the houses and have 2 blocks left I'm so excited! I really like how you made the shores your own with the family history included very cool.
    I would be very happy to be included in your give away I have been a follower of yours for quite some time and I have you on my sidebar so I can keep track of all your posts!

  4. Being a teacher of English I adore Jane Austen!So do count me in please!AriadnefromGreece!

  5. Your Shores looks wonderful, and I´m sure it won´t take you long to finish it.
    Can you please include me to you drawing? I´m a big fan of Austen, just spent a relaxing evening with Sense&Sensibility yesterday.

  6. Oh Thank you for the chance to win! What fun this would be to own. I have so been enjoying your progress on your stitching. Wishing I was getting that much time in on the cloth as well!

  7. No need to include me in the drawing. I just wanted to say Shores is looking wonderful & so is that poppy seed cake : )

  8. Shores is looking amazing Edgar and stop tempting me with cake treats, I'm on a As a self confessed Janeite, I would love to be entered into your giveaway please. Thanks Elisa x

  9. Your Shores of HRH is looking good! I would love to win the book for my daughter. She is elementary art teacher and loves Jane Austen!

  10. Your SoHRH is looking really great! Mmmm... poppy seed cake. Yum. First thing I thought when I saw your pic (beside the fact that it looks delicious was, hmmm, that's a smart way to cut the cake).
    I'd love a chance at that sweet, little book.

  11. Great fan of your many beautiful projects! Thanks for sharing! I have never commented on any blog before - but could not resist...I am a huge fan of Jane Austen and you have found a treasure! I would love to be included in your drawing!!

  12. Your Shores are looking really GREAT! I am impressed you have your ancestry going back that far. It is on my list of things to work on when I have some free time. Hope that day comes soon!

    Have a terrific week!

  13. Edgar, i am definitely a follower of your blog, and I do like Jane Austen so please include me in your give away. I was very interested in the fact that you have been researching your family. I am a member of I love finding out about my families history. I am altso stitching on Shores. It will be a wedding sampler come important times in my son and daughter-in-laws life up to the time I get it finished. Your stitching on this is inspiring me. Thanks

  14. Hey Edgar! Shores is looking fantastic! On your genealogy search, you mentioned St. Mary's Maryland - that's in St. Mary's County. You know I work with my local historical society and turns out they have one too - you can check it out at - - - - - -
    Many researchers find that they can get a start on Ancestry, then things kinda dry up. Much of that is because places like the historical or genealogical societies have spent years of research and dollars and aren't giving up their info to Ancestry for nuttin. So, you may be able to find more about your Captain Keech through the county historical society. Many times they have family files that contain information gathered by local historians, volunteers or even things donated to them by other researchers. Good luck!

  15. Your Shores is looking great! And of course, so is your baking. lol! Love to see what you bake! And how sweet of you to think of your readers at an estate sale. I'd love to be entered in your little giveaway! Thanks!

  16. Oh Jane Austen - please add me to the drawing. Love your blog.

  17. Edgar: The shores is looking lovely how exciting tom,be almost finished, the poppy seed treat loks yummy. How lucky you were to find this lovely Jane Austin Piece, please enter me in your givaway.
    I am a follower

  18. Hi Edgar - I'd love to be included in your giveaway. You always find such great things at these estate sales!
    Your Hawk Run is looking great!
    I'm a follower and a lurker! Anne

  19. Oh, Edgar, I know what you mean about family stories! I recently discovered that my paternal great-grandmother was named Mary Rose. My own mother's name is Rose Mary -- even she didn't know that!

    I'd love to be entered into your giveaway, please.

    bronzemom AT gmail DOT com

  20. I'm still so intrigued that you could trace your family back so far. It's got to be so interesting. You're making good progress on Shores - that fill in much be a killer. And you know - you and your food. Every time you post something I want it. Like the Poppy Seed Cake. That's another one of my favorites although no one else likes it besides me so I rarely make it. I might have to make one today - thank goodness Lent is passed!! :o)

  21. oooo well done on your stitching progress :) and that cake looks scrummy :)
    and ooo well done on finding that book looks very interesting .... throw my name into the bowl of destiny will you :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  22. Hi Edgar. Love your Shores piece. And, love the way you personalized it. Now you've gotten me grandfather went to sea at the age of 13 (yikes!!). And poppy seed cake! That reminds me of so long ago in college when I used to make it all the time. I'll be curious to see your recipe. Vera

  23. Edgar, Your Shores is looking great and almost finished. I have it started but that is about it - started. I would love to have an opportunity to win pictures of Jane.

  24. I would love a chance at your giveaway! Thanks so much...

    "shores" is looking great...makes me think I should pull mine out and move on from block one!

  25. your shores is looking great...i really admire your stitching and framing

    and please enter me in the giveaway.


  26. OOOhhh.. That is one thing that most people wouldn't know about me--I really love Jane Austen's writings! Emma was just on t.v. this weekend--I think that is my fave!! She just keeps getting herself in trouble!! Pleease enter me and PICK ME too!! (heheheh) Hugs!

  27. Being a big JA fan I must enter the giveaway contest! I do have fun seeing all your baking Edgar...I miss baking. I don't do as much as I used to since my DH is diabetic - takes the fun out of all the yummy stuff! My email is in my Blogger profile.

  28. Tracing your ancestry is really cool. I just read today about the 1940's census being made public and how it was filling in blanks for family members who were too young back then to remember or who may have lost those memories now. The Jane Austin book looks great. Please include me in your drawing.

  29. I love JA. Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. I love how you are personalizing Shores....I, too, am into genealogy (and doesn't this take up a lot of stitching time) and have personalized my Villages of HRH with the blacksmith sign as my husband's ggreatfather was a blacksmith in West Viginia. What a find in Jane and her letters.....I would love to be considered in this drawing!

  31. The book looks intriguing. I am a follower. Will you throw in some poppyseed cake?

  32. Your Shores is looking great!

    When I was at Ginger's in Austin over Easter weekend, I saw that she had stitched the whale square (over 1) with info about one of her ancestors who worked on a ship and was lost at sea. (Another hobby of hers is geneology.)

    It's amazing to me how you can use certain designs or parts of designs and personalize them in so many ways.

  33. Cake and a give away... include me in.

  34. Please include me in your give away. Your cake looks scrumptious and your stitching is coming along nicely. Have a great day.

  35. Oh, I'd love to get in on the giveaway! Your poppyseed cake looks scrumptious!!

  36. Ooooooh Edgar how generous of you! Please do enter me! You know I am such an Austenite. Thank you sooooo much for the chance.
    my email address-though you may have it- is

    Love the progress on shores! :)

  37. Please do enter me in your drawing.

    I have researched my family history to. When I ran into dead end streets, I was frustrated. Then I realized that if I recorded all I could find, at least someone in the future would know something about my family. So I write down all I discover and as the book grows, those deadend streets when a story goes silent, are becoming less vexing. Dianne

  38. That is soo different and unique a gift-away. I already am a follower. So please please do include me in :)

  39. Hola! I've been following your website for a long time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Houston Tx! Just wanted to tell you keep up the great work!
    Also see my website > Posted by My Industrial Injury

  40. Great progress and oh, does that cake look yummy!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...