Monday, December 3, 2007

A quick post....

Just a short post today. I worked on BP last night as on Friday and Saturday I worked on Christmas cards and wrapping up presents to be shipped today and tomorrow. I have a lot of things to get out for overseas friends.

Her is a progress snap:

Almost finished with the border then on to the filling in the middle.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Take care,


  1. Thank-You sooo much for the lovely Christmas card Edgar! Got it this morning. Made my day! I have a come the address i sent the exchange to is different to the one you wrote on the card envelope? You moved recently?
    Lovely stitching by the way!

  2. BP is really looking fabulous!! I may have to get that chart yet!!!

  3. You may have inspired me to start Bea myself. I've had the chart for a long time. Maybe in the New Year!

  4. Nice job on BP Edgar, she's looking wonderful.


Stitchin' a "Chickin'"

Gentle Friends, Frederika, a fancy chickin' out in the woods, is now outlined, here's a snaperooo... ...  as I've been stitching...