Sunday, January 2, 2022

A Little Start for the New Year and a Last Snap of Christmas...

Gentle Friends, I had kitted up a few projects anticipating a start once I finished up the SAL and my Christmas piece...I started one of them and got a bit stitched and became less enthused with the linen with every I frogged that sucker all out, put the linen back into stash, and couldn't come up with a replacement from the pile, so I moved on to the next piece... I'll get back to the first one, after a trip over the Bay to Needle in a Haystack for a piece of linen that will work for the piece... here's a snaperoo of the piece I did start... a sampler...

"A Deleware Inspiration" - Heart's Ease Examplar Workes 
40ct LL Vintage Navy Bean
 Called for Belle Soie Silks

I've gotten the border structure in, the fill for triangles is Butterscotch and I'll get to that later on...  I really enjoyed stitching "Sojourner" the Califonia Sampler from HEEW... and who can resist the blue chickens that are on this one!!

On New Years Day Rico and I headed over to St Ignatius Church to get a look at the Christmas decorations before they come down... it's a lovely church and was once again beautifully decorated for the Season!!  Here's a snap...


That's about it for tonight sports fans.  
It's back to the grindstone in the morning so I'll sign off for now.  CYA next week.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. That church is beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing your newest stitching.

  2. Happy Christmas to you! One more week until the Christmas season officially ends. The church is beautiful! Ours was pretty too, but yours has so much character to start with!

    I am looking forward to seeing your new piece take shape. She uses some interesting stitches to make her pieces wonderful!

  3. Dearest Edgar: Happy New Year: I am looking forward to seeing this design progress.
    WE have St. Ignatius here in Annandale, it is a bit modern, I likw the older Church's better, the one you are showing is positively beautiful, I would love to come to San Francisco and visit all the Catholic Church's.
    I hope the Hounds are enjoying life and I Pray that 2022 is a better year and things get back to normal.


  4. Wow, what a gorgeous sanctuary. The vivid colors...
    Happy New Year!

  5. What has been lost in "modernizing" church interiors...the senses know..May your church never lose that beautiful. Looking forward to your progress on Delaware - was that a presidential pick??? Thanks to your goodness, I am 50% across the width of the lower panel of Paradise and am loving it...Hope your return to the grindstone was with ease...

  6. I was not familiar with this design so had to look it up - you're right, the blue chickens are fantastic! I was going to say it is an ambitious undertaking but as quickly as you stitch, never mind LOL. The church is stunning - reminds me of some of the European ones I came to love. Happy New Year Edgar. ~Robin~

  7. Glad you got the border frame minus the triangle fill-in in, Edgar! Happy New Year!

  8. That Church certainly looked beautiful!!I will have to look up your new start so I can see just what you are working on. I like to do those borders first too. I always think if I made a big error it might through the whole thing off! That could mean way too much frogging!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...