Monday, February 8, 2021

A Little Stitchin' and a Lotta Froggin'

 Gentle Friends,  I should have had the second section wrapped up by's a snaperoo..

... instead, I made a fatal stitching error and was off by a single stitch.  In my ignorance, I went along getting a huge part of this section stitched before noticing it.  Damn, damn, and double damn!!!  This piece relies on my paying attention!  It also relies on pretty strict adherence to the chart with no fudging allowed - too many straight lines and too narrow margins between bits & pieces all over the place.  I had to frog it all out - take a deep breath and restitch - hence the only bit I've "correctly" stitched this last week or so is the "wavy navy" section... on to the "morning glory" next!!  It happens and we move on!

Thanks for stopping by do stop again. Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good deeds!


  1. I just started a new cross-stitch piece and have already had to frog a few times. I feel your pain. What you have "correctly" stitched is beautiful.

  2. So frustrating! But as you said, we've all done it. It's a gorgeous piece.

  3. Oh dear, how annoying but it is a stunning piece, Edgar.

  4. Bless your patience...I might have rolled it away for another day.
    But there you go....on toward the finish correctly.... a real pro.

  5. Impressive progress nonetheless Edgar. I know it is not possible, but I believe that sometimes I frog more than I stitch LOL. As you said, take a breath...and stitch on. ~Robin~

  6. It is beautiful Edgar but so sorry for the frogging. I did a bit of that myself last night! UG!

  7. It is gorgeous, Edgar. Sorry that you had to rip out!

  8. Edgar, this is beautiful! No fun, but we've all been there with the frogging...

  9. Dearest Edgar: This is such a stunning piece, I hate frogging but in the end it is worth it.
    Have a lovely day.


  10. You're right .. it takes a lot of patience .. But I have to thank you for introducing me to the site of Jacob, Creative of fantastic schemes !!! I also signed up for the Sal and I started to embroider it ... I think I will count those crosses countless times .. I just published the first post on the Sal on the Blog ... A great adventure!
    Happy Stitching, Hugs, Carmela

  11. This is such a beautiful pattern. Let me check out the site too


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...