Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thrifty Thursday....and a Pottery Question?????

Gentle Friends... we found some fun things thrifting and here's some snaps......

.... an over sized Santa mug (like we needed another coffee mug - but it is over sized and has Santa on it!!) some great DVD"s, a nice Christmas CD and a super piece of pottery!! - I found this "Tyg" - or three handled loving cup at the Goodwill - on each side is a proverb/motto done by hand using a technique called "slip trailing"........  it has a drab green  glaze and the body is cream coloured..... there are no marks on the piece anywhere.... I've spent quite a bit of time looking on line trying to identify what company made this piece and when, but without any luck........

...... here's another side with it's proverb/motto.....

..... and the third side's proverb/motto - the motto's are all of Scottish origin so it could be from Scotland or I am thinking English manufacture - but I really don't know....... any thoughts out there???????

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, dos top again!!

Take care,


  1. I love a good mystery... could it be hand painted? It doesn't appear to be from your photo, but I suppose that could account for the lack of marks.

  2. I wish I could help. Maybe it was done by just one person for another. We have a crock like that. An interesting mystery.

  3. Emmitt Otter's Jug Band Christmas!!! I bought several of those this Christmas to give to family as gifts. Love it! The behind the scene clips are interesting and hilarious! Enjoy! Cant help with the mug, but a cool find just the same.

  4. Wow--I have no idea about the sure to let us know when the mystery is solved!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...