Monday, May 6, 2013

A Little Friday Drama

Gentle Friends you never think about all the odd evil crazy that lurks in the world until it comes homes to roost....  well. Friday as we turned the corner to go up the hill home, we hit a wall of police, ambulances, firetrucks and crowds of people...... and our street .... had been yellow taped off without access.

The first thing we thought was "oh. my. god... that crazy fool has done something.... "  

Let me back track a bit - down the hall from us lives the oddest and most completely unbalanced person - who has sent odd letters to the neighbors.  He has also gone through two different room mates in the last year, usually ending up with screaming in the halls and stuff being thrown in the street in front of the building.....  basically the guy is just all around unhinged.  The building owners have been trying to get him out of the building for the last couple of months due to his odd behavior and threatening other residents - and it all came to a head on Friday afternoon.  

At around 2:00pm they evacuated the building (most people were at work) and at around 3:00pm or so we got home to find those that were home milling about just waiting to see if the Bomb Squad found anything or if anything detonated.  

Now, there are lots of kitties and hounds in our building, most tenants have one or the other - and all I could think about was our four who hounds.  You see, this crazy person - threatening to blow up our building lives 4 doors down the hall from us.  So for an agonizing couple of hours as the police, bomb specialists in anti-bomb suits...

searched all over the two buildings, and took apart his SUV - we waited, and waited and waited. 

While all of us were waiting the News Vultures showed up - two film crews, the newspaper reporters and two helicopters hovering.  It was a freaking circus.  

In the end they took "crazy" away - and let us back in without incident.  The only thing that turned up were two large bottles of acetone that the HAZMAT team found and took away - or at least that was what we were told........ and everyone is safe and sound.  

That's about it for today sports fans - nothing like a little excitement to start off the weekend!!

Take care,


  1. Good grief! Thankfully nothing serious happened! I'm going to assume this person will not be returning. Another thing to be thankful for.

  2. Yikes. I would have been frantic for my pets. At least the humans can rationalize the inner workings of a crazy, but the poor pets....they have no idea what's going on. I hope all are well and not traumatized.
    At least the local menace is gone. I hope in this overly PC world the building owners are not forced into letting him return.

  3. I am glad you are all safe,,,you must have been worried about your hounds...Sadly the world seems to be growing more sick, crazy, evil people ( I don't want to be insensitive to those with problems...) but still. Hopefully he will be changing his address soon, hopefully on the state dollar.....

  4. Oh good lord, Edgar! You just never know what brand of crazy lives next door do you?! I'm to glad everything worked out and that the hounds were safe and sound. Nothing like worrying over your furry children and not being able to help them! Whew!

  5. I'm glad you and your family (and neighbors) are safe. Hope the rest of the weekend was VERY uneventful!

  6. Oh gosh!!!! I hope that he will not be allowed back ~ and even then, I would worry! Hope all works out okay!

  7. So glad it turned out ok with no injuries to people, pets, or property. It's examples like this that make me think the "see something, say something" rule is a good one.

  8. Thank goodness you're all safe.

  9. I can imagine how happy you were to get inside and see you little who hounds and I bet they were happy to see you too. This kind of thing is sadly becoming our normal, but to be safe actions have to be taken and we can no longer just sit back and think "oh he's okay, he's won't really hurt anyone". Well glad you survived the weekend and are back at the grind this glorious Monday morning.

  10. Ack! How scary! Yet not too surprising for SF. I'm glad that everyone and the pups were safe. Thank goodness!

  11. Maybe this will help the landlod evict him! Glad to hear you and your who hounds are safe.

  12. Oh my goodness. You must have been frantic. I'm so glad that all of you are ok including the fur babies!

  13. Wow that is a drama! On a nice note, your neighbourhood looks lovely! Glad the hounds are safe. x

  14. Goodness gracious!!! So glad you all are OK...and I guess the silver lining here is that crazy is out of the building now!!

  15. So glad this ended without incident! We have lots of overhang from the Marathon bombing in our neck of the woods, so can totally relate. Best of all is the who hounds and other pets are found... and crazy is gone :-)

  16. Thankfully there were no injuries and all is well again.

  17. Oh good grief, Edgar! Thank goodness everyone is safe and hopefully the "neighbor" will get the help he obviously needs. What a scary situation to be in the middle of! Glad this came to an end without any harm.

  18. So glad you are okay! I am with you on freaking out about all the innocent little animals in the apartments!!! How dare anyone threaten their peace and safety. Hope all remains well for you at this time.

  19. I'm so glad things turned out okay and no people or animals were harmed. Hopefully this is all that's needed to permanently evict the crazy.

  20. OMG! How totally scary! I hope that's the last you all see of this crazy person. I'm so glad he is gone and nothing came of his threats. So scary! After the Boston bombings (with DS's college just blocks away), I'm feeling very insecure. I bet you all are happy to be rid of crazy man.

  21. Thank goodness all is well and the Who Hounds are safe!

  22. Goodness how dramatic, I'm glad it all came to nothing in the end.
    I'm curious though, is acetone something you aren't supposed to keep in the house? If so what do you use to remove nail varnish? Well, not you personally, but you know what I mean

  23. i am so glad you are all safe and sound. how scary is that! glad they took crazy away! we had a neighbor "crazy lady" as we named her for about 12 years and finally she burned her house down and they took her away for her to get it back to then lose it again, now she is no where in our sites. the stress of knowing that "crazy" isn't in your building anymore will be gone now :)

  24. I hope now they can kick his rear end out and he gets some mental health help....for heaven's sake, I find it so curious that we all are supposed to tip toe around things because its politically incorrect to point out that someone may be harboring an illness that could be treatable if someone just was allowed to say: "Hey by the way...He's a nut job, someone may want to call a professional
    " ....goodness! I'm glad you and all the who hounds are safe!

  25. Goodness, what a way to start your weekend. I hope he's away for good now and does not cause any real harm

  26. How scary for you and so glad all the pets and you are ok

  27. Hopefully you all have seen (and heard) the last from him!

    Must have been scary!

  28. Whew! The good news is you're all safe and hopefully he's gone for good!

  29. That is so scary, and of course the police and fireman aren't as worried about people's pets but mine would be first in my thoughts too.


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...