Monday, November 5, 2012

Seeing is Believing ???

Gentle Friends and new Followers - Happy Monday!!!  It was a lovely, quiet - stress free weekend here by the Bay and the weather was perfect, not too windy, not too cool, not too damp...... just a lovely couple of days.  Today is to be our last "hot" day for a while and then we are back to our cool and breezy days.

Here's a different kind of post............On Friday, Rico's sister (who lives down in the San Joaquin Valley near Modesto) was completely creeped out by the unknown.  She is a reasonable person that is not one to go off the deep end, but early Friday morning around 5:30 am, after her husband had left for work and she was alone in the house.... she felt she was not alone in the house.  She heard someone/something walking down the hall.... went to look and nothing was there, went to the kitchen and was making coffee and felt something touching her back, again nothing was there......  she just felt she was being watched or another presence in the house ....  so she went to get here camera and started taking pictures all over her great room......  and these are the results......

The image could only be seen in the pictures as there was nothing there she said...  this is not the first time odd things have been heard or seen in her house.  This is not an old house they built it just a few years ago........  but what was there before who knows??  So, what do you think??

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by for a little creepy Monday post!

Take care,


  1. "There is more under heaven, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet.

  2. Oh my gosh Edgar, that really creeps me out!! My DD was watching some History Channel shows on Netflix about things like this in people's houses. I was not really believing what these shows had on, but maybe I should start believing. Scary!

  3. Creepy...I believe these things can happen. I truly believe we are surrounded by angels and our loved ones watching over us.

    A long time ago I heard when there is a spirit lost you are to tell it to go to the other side...

    Good luck to Rico's sister and keep us posted.

  4. chills went up and down my spine. They have a visitor. Nothing to be afraid of tell her.

  5. Ooooh...spooky. At first I thought the oval mirror created a reflection...

  6. It is real, politely ask the spirit to leave and it should depart.

  7. First of all, I have to say that I love your blog. I am a neighbor to the south of you here in Monterey.

    Now for the visitor-It appears that there is more than one. In a couple of photos, there are "orbs." I have taken photos at my church on special occasions like Christmas and Easter and orbs will be on the photos. I saw somewhere on television that they are associated with activity of spirit.

    If she does not like the activity in the house (I would freak out a bit by feeling like I was touched.) She can have it blessed or smudged.

    Thank you for sharing.


  8. It looks like the bright oval is a reflection off the oval mirror in the foreground. The third picture is taken from a point just in front of the mirror, and it looks like the flash added to the oval reflection across the room.
    But that's just the explanation I gave myself so I can sleep without nightmares tonight!! %^P

  9. Oh my gosh I got chills!

    If I was her, I would be having a priest come and bless the house!

  10. There appears to be two definite orbs in the last picture for sure. We had things happen all the time in my old 1800's farmhouse. We had a lady ghost dressed in a long brown period dress. Very harmless and sometimes a comfort to know someone was there keeping watch.

  11. Edgar, ok the pictures freaked me out! I don't mean to go all "Ghost" on you but I do believe that spirits get stuck between worlds. There was a ghost in the bank branch that I worked in when I lived in Kentucky. She was harmless but quite a prankster and we named her Myrtle. She would set the alarms off, open/shut elevator doors and even flush the toilets....that was the one thing that freaked us all out because it wasn't like you could run out of the bathroom quickly when it happened. The bank was located in a turn of the century theater and it had burned at some point but the attic remained untouched including the old theater seating.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I had a friend who lived in a very ,very old house, shadows were seen. She would always say hello or good morning to anyone there. A friendly visitor, "embrace your visitor". If you are a believer, I am not.....but there is that unexplained bumping noise in the wall over by the porch door sometimes.......

  14. There are three in the last pic, two small orbs and the oval. That is creapy.

  15. May be a family member that has passed that is checking on her? Every now and then I get these odd feelings and its the same one every time, a hand on my left shoulder with a little pressure like my grandma use to do then the blinds would "woosh" but nothing was there to move them. and then again the same night when i brush my teeth before bed i would catch a "woosh" at the other side of the bathroom and then nothing.

  16. Wow...I have watched several Taps and Ghost Hunters to know that she definitely has spirits in her one of her pictures, not only is there a silhouette of possibly a woman, but you can see orbs too (orbs are the circles which are spirits) If it were a Taps show they might try to debunk it and say its a reflection off the oval mirror or the orbs could be floating dust)...but from what she experienced, I would say she has some "friendly" spirits. Wow...chilling!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oh so jealous--I have always wanted a house with a spirit!

  19. Wow. If you look closely at the third picture , you can see the shape of a hood or cowl and a sleeve, it's as though someone is wearing a cloak to hide their face and looking down.
    Amazing , but glad I wasn't there.

  20. Ok, man that creeped me out!

  21. I think it's the BVM, and she was hoping for a cuppa. Cream, two sugars, thank you very much.

  22. Wooooo - I'm a believer in unexplained phenomena. It would be interesting to know what was on the land before.

  23. It is believed that spirit are intelligent: they are after all people: just people who have moved on so it is unlikely to be linked to the house: probably a loved one connecting with her especially if there is anything trying or of emotional upset going on: just to let her know she is loved. If she is becoming frightened, just tell her to tell them she aknowledges they are there and to step back. pm if you want more help.

  24. Oh that gave me a tingle all over, I've guests which travel with me and watch over my little family, nothing to be afraid of, the scent of fresh flowers often goes alongside visitors.

  25. Spooky!I don't think I would have had the presence of mind to take photos...

  26. Well, how exciting. I think there is most likely a friendly spirit in the house. However, even if the spirit is friendly, I would not want to share my home with one!

  27. ooooo sppppoookkkyyyy ... amazing that someone/ something ? has shown up on the photos ... love mouse xxx

  28. Shame on gave me chills!!! I would have been creeped out. Hope it's a friendly ghost.......Nancy

  29. Hi Edgar

    I don't believe in orbs (I went on a ghost hunt a few years ago and am convinced orbs in photos are light reflecting off dust), however I do have an open-mind and whatever that other 'thing' is in the photo it sure gave me the goosebumps. Thanks so much for sharing.

  30. My God, that's spooky. It would be interesting to know what was there first?
    Greetings from Germany

  31. Oh my goodness Edgar, that is totally creepy!! Wonder if I'd be able to sit up to stitch after the house has slept. Shudder!!!

  32. Awesome pictures! I've seen lots of things on pics that the camera is able to 'see' for us. She can communicate with them if she wishes to, or alternatively she can get them to leave her home. She may need to get help from a medium if she wants them to leave permanently. It depends on how she feels about them being there. Thanks for sharing the pics!

  33. I agree that it's a reflection from the mirror on the left...shadows from the flower arrangement near the mirror can be seen inside the reflection, as well as the "lumps" on the top of the frame...those same shapes are there at the top of the reflection. She wouldn't have seen the reflection before the flash went off, or after. But it doesn't mean there aren't spirits in her house! I had a ghost that lived in my first needlework shop in an old building downtown. I used to come in in the mornings to find thirty or forty skeins of DMC floss pulled off their hooks, or kits lying in the middle of the floor (far from the shelves they had been on.) And once, one of my spinner racks made a complete revolution in front of my eyes -- no one was touching it!

  34. Spooky! :D

    It does seem a little BVM (cloak and gentle posture-ish), but I can see what Theresa means about it containing elements from the flower arrangement in front of the mirror.

    Still, even if the light effects in the pic are caused by flash, it doesn't mean something isn't going on.

  35. I agree with Mary and stitcheranon. We have a little visitor that helps us find things. It used to freak my husband out but it happens so much that he's learned from me to just say "thanks" out loud and go on with what you were doing. My favorite one was years ago I was searching for my travel alarm clock to take on a business trip. After about an hour of looking for it I heard ringing from the linen closet. I found it all the way in the back on the floor under a bunch of towels and stuff. It was battery-operated but it had no batteries in it.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...