Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weekend Shopping

Gentle Readers thank you so much for all your kind words about ATS and M&B.  Two fun pieces to work on - last night I worked some on an Exchange piece that will go out next week - I think that will take up most of this week - stitching and finishing.

Over the weekend we made our usual run around to the "shops" and "sales."  It was pretty poor pickins' - but I did manage to find a couple of things....

I love engravings and finding an older one, with a great wash really made my day - This beauty came from the Goodwill  in the Richmond - its an older piece in a great older beat up frame...  and I found the little hand carved bird at an estate sale - burned into the bottom..... "Black Capped Chickadee" #51 11/90 JB on a pear wood base, John Berry.  I have no idea who John Berry is, but this little guy is great and so he had to come home with me.

After Mass on Sunday we made a Trader Joe's run and then stopped off at a Farmers Market.  I had my camera so I got some snaps...

You could tell it was fall with all the great Harvest produce...

There were lots of super pumpkins!!

 ........  orange was the colour of the day!!  We picked up a double bunch of these great marigolds.  On the way out I stopped and picked up a....

....  golden waffle, and with a scoop of vanilla ice cream was a treat for dessert after dinner!!

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks again for stopping by and for you great comments!!

Take care,


  1. I'm not an orange person but the orange looked fabulous in your photos : ) Good finds at the estate sales & those waffles sound yummy!

  2. Great sale finds! The chickadee is really cute, but I will admit to being a bit biased towards them. Gotta love a little bird with that much cheek!

  3. I just love old engravings too. it looks like a great score to me. I hardly ever find anything at our goodwill...once a Longaberger basket but that was ages ago. We do have a Savers ( big sisters) here where I do much better, once found 8 Fiestaware glasses for a $dollar each.....wow. Take care

  4. Love that picture! You always find such neat things at those sales. The chickadee is a cutie.
    Ahhh...those fall colors. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talent behind the lens!

  5. What a great print!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. You always manage to find a new treasure. I could go for months and not even come close.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...