Friday, April 23, 2010

When is it ever too much??

GR&DF your nice comments from yesterday where wonderful. I think the lilac thing comes from my childhood. Growing up in PG County MD - our home had a gigantic lilac bush on one corner and on the backside of the house where a few forsythia bushes - so these two flowers in my mind are harbingers of a beautiful spring and warmer weather coming. Out here in the Bay area the weather is so temperate that we never get anywhere near a freeze. So these two plants you do not see - and I miss them - but by the magic of the florist shop I can get me some for the house. I guess every region and area has its good and bad points - it just finding them and being happy with what you have. And, you can always get around everything and get what you want!! with that in mind......

Yesterday the mail brought me a few charts I purchased from another super stitcher who was down sizing - it is certainly some kind of sickness - this accumulation of beautiful charts - but, there are worse thing to do - I guess!! Here is a snap -

It is just crazy - but three of these are charts where my list in my wallet that I wanted and the fourth was one I just had to have!! Now, when on earth will I ever get to them????

I finished up some of my secret stitching for my 3rd Blogiversary and I will spend my stitching time this weekend on Alpha Sampler so I will have some kind of stitchity snap for Monday - I Promise - (now it is in print I have to do it!!)

Last night I tried to watch a movie from Netflix and even I had to shut it off. "Waterloo" 1970 - bad DVD, a Chinese export of dubious authenticity, crappy translation for the subtitles that were un-removable (which I hate) - and Rod Steiger as Napoleon just wasn't working for me a bit!! Moving on - we stopped by the Mall last night to pick up a copy of "Avatar" and I watched about 10 mins of it and it looks better than I thought it would be - we'll watch it this weekend.

There you go sports fans - short and sweet!! Have a great weekend!! Stop by again.

Take care,


  1. I'm making sure "Waterloo" doesn't reach my computer screen! Don't you hate it when you waste time on a stupid movie! I've heard "Avatar" is good, but I'm not that excited to see it. You'll have to let me know.
    Have a stichy weekend!

  2. They do smell so good though, and they are very pretty.

  3. Acquiring charts (and stash) might be an addiction, but at least it isn't illegal!

  4. Beautiful new sampler charts! Like you said, it could be worse things.

    Have a very enjoyable weekend!

  5. My dad and I saw Avatar at the theater. I wasn't too interested at the time, but I am glad I went. It is an enjoyable film. We saw a display at Walmart today and dad asked if it was in 3D, like the theater. I don't think it is, at least not yet. LOL!

  6. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too much stash! lol! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in the world who hasn't seen Avatar yet. My daughter raves about it, my son just says it was good. :D

  7. Edgar, I didn't know you live in P.G County, Md. I live in Montgomery County, Maryland. Small world!

    Love all your new stash.

  8. Lilac bushes are just lovely. I received a piece of one from my great-aunt several years ago and it bloomed for the first time last year. It's growing wonderfully and reminds me of my favorite aunt.

    Love your new stash - John Foster is on my list. Is there a site stitchers list there charts for sale other than ebay?

    I did not like Avatar - I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I loved the graphics, but the story was weak and reminded me of what we (Americans) did to the Indian population many moons ago.

    Enjoy your weekend, Edgar!

  9. Love your new stash! I didn't know you were from MD--my grandparents lived in Frederick and Hagerstown. How did a nice southern gentleman end up in S.F. of all places?

  10. Somehow I've managed to miss most of my regular blogs this past week - just caught up with yours this morning. Thank you for sharing your Showboat snap - I'll be singing that song all day now..
    I love the look of the Young Victoria - will have to wait for a day on my own however, not the sort of flick that shows in this male-dominated household - no cars or guns!!
    What lovely lilacs - it is heading into autumn here and the trees are changing colour and showing off. I'm hoping to take lots of photos on my 2weeks off work while I'm out and about and plan to show on my blog too.
    I do think your new charts are divine.
    Love to read your blog as always.

  11. lol @ stash!

    They ARE beautiful. Somehow, I'm curious which 3 were on the "pocket list" and which was the bonus!

    I totally need to get caught up on commenting and blogging; sorry if I've been a stranger!

    Looking forward to seeing your "mystery stitching" and other progress on alpha. You are flying though that, as usual! :)

  12. Great new stash, Edgar! The accumulation is so much fun!!!! Glad you turned off the movie rather than sitting thru it.

  13. Wow you got some wonderful goodies! Isn't it great to trade, win giveaways or even get hand me down designs! No buying involved or rather less buying involved! I love to collect them but them share them with others after I am finished!

  14. There is a simple answer: Never, lol. I also always promise myself not to buy any more new charts but how can one do that when there are so many beautiful patterns out there?
    Love your new charts, particularly the Examplars one.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...