GR&DF what kind things you had to say yesterday - thank you!! I wanted to start off today with answers to some questions from the comments -
Jan - for the Alpha Sampler I did my own conversion to over dyed floss - I do not think I ever listed them all so I will do that tomorrow. I am happy that you like my choices. After stitching away and getting past the 1/2 way point I would have done a couple of things differently but overall I am very pleased with the way it is turning out.
Evelyn - I just love the location shots in "Leave her to Heaven". It makes me want to get on a plane and visit Maine. Since I have never been that far North it is exactly what I imagine the landscape would look like.
Doris - LHtH was a Netflix DVD and not on the regular TV. The 20th Century Fox transfer is really good and pretty easy to find to rent - you will not be disappointed.
Yesterday on the way home I needed to swing by Japan town to get some incense - I am addicted and will not be without - how spoiled does that sound?? Whenever we are over that way we try and stop by
St Dominic's. This lovely neo-Gothic beauty is a joy to visit and although I am not Catholic I do enjoy a good church. Rico also wanted to stop and light a candle for his 2nd cousin who lost her battle with leukemia a few days ago - so it was nice to spend some quiet moments in reflexion. I of course had the handy dandy camera so I got some snaps....

As with any large older building they are in the throws of renovation and cleaning the upper North clerestory windows.

In the Holy Name Altar is a large wall carved with scenes from Christs life.
The center panel is this - the birth scene that I think is just lovely.

All over the side isles and chapels are beautifully carved panels with banks of burning candles - like little lights of faith in a dark world - just beautiful!!

The shrine to St Jude holds this great statue and is very lovely with banks of candles and flowers - you just can't help but feel comforted in a space like this.

North Transept window "Notable Dominicans."

South Nave "12 Apostles (as Dominicans)."

As you leave the church and look up into the Balcony this beautiful large window set into the North Nave is of - "Christ Triumphant over Death." It is a great church and always open and easy to visit if you ever get to SF.
After we left the church we headed over to Japan Town and I got this shot of the weather - it had spotty rain on and off all day leaving the afternoon punctuated with some great billowy big clouds.....

The third stop was at KFC - I am such a sucker to try new fast food it just is crazy. So of course I needed to try the new "
Double Down" sandwich - where ...
there is so much chicken there's no room for the bun!!..... Not too bad - since I like - fried chicken, bacon and pepper jack cheese. It is kind of odd with no bun, but does one really need the extra bread when you can have extra chicken!?!
The flicker last night was another Netflix DVD - "
Out of the Past" - 1947 - starring Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas and Rhonda Fleming. This classic and almost perfect Film Noir is a must see for those that like moody, B&W, bad boy, bad girl type movies - with so many twists a turns you never really know who is getting the raw deal!! If you get the chance I would highly recommend the film!!
Stitching was still concentrated on an exchange.
There you go sports fans. Thank you once again for stopping by - do come again!!
Take care,