Thursday, July 31, 2008

Some Stitching - an Exchange and a UFO

I heard from Laura that the Pyn Keepe that I made her from the MAW Exchange arrived. I was getting concerned as the mails are sort of sporadic at best - but all is well and it arrived!!
here is a snap of the piece -

Her wish was for a red pyn keepe - this is one of the Quaker motifs done in CC Cupid - if memory servers me right. I really enjoy making this, and think it turned out quite well!

Last night I worked on a UFO that was just calling out to be stitched on - this piece is something I have really enjoyed working on, but has fallen to the wayside in the press of all my other stitch obligations. Here is a snap of VoHRH and where I am now -
I am working in a counter clock wise direction from the center square and am now at the little white church - as we all know I do not care to stitch in white - but to get past this square I need stitch away I did. - I have finished up all the dark grass and the tree trunks - all that is left is the back stitching for the willow branches, the bushes and the church - You will be seeing this quite often as I really want to get this on finished and start on the Shores of HRH -

Last night the movies where "The Glen Miller Story" - 1953 with June Allison and Jimmy Stewart - such a good movie and very close to the real story of his life.
This was followed up by "The Naked Civil Servant" - 1975 -
the outrageous autobiography of the flamboyant Quintin Crisp.

There you go - Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,


  1. I am DROOLING over your HRH piece! I really need to get back to work on mine! How many WIP do you have?

  2. Having a gloomy day at work, and I love that I can count on pulling up your post of the day to check out a movie and the stitching... VOHRH looks quite wonderful.

  3. I totally forgot about the Village!!! And it's gorgeous :)

    LOVE the pynkeepe :) own variation!

  4. I love reading your blog! You are a wonderful stitcher and finisher (I know this firsthand!), and I always love to ready what old movies you've been watching, etc. You are an inspiration to all of us, especially me. Sooooo because of that, I have nominated you for the Brilliante Blogger Award. Please stop by my blog to pick up the award. You certainly deserve it!

    Carolyn (lynnygyrl)

  5. I saw "The Glenn Miller Story" awhile back and I liked it. Love Glenn Miller's music, plus James Stewart and June Allyson are high on my list.

    Are you ready for August's star-a-day schedule? I'm looking forward to catching some movies that are on my must-see list!

  6. Wow Edgar , that pinkeep is wonderful !!! And so is your UFO !!
    I am drooling all over your blog as usual :-)
    btw.. i also don't like to stitch white ..
    Patti xx

  7. I love red so i do love that pinkeep! Great job Edgar!
    Nice to see VOHRH again :)

  8. Hi Edgar, I've been reading your blog for the last couple of months and just love catching it each day! I've nominated you for a Kreativ Bloggers award on my blog too - Malinda.


Border Stitchin', Visiting NIAH, Eatin' Burgers and Brunch!

 Gentle Friends, I've been stitching away on the border, and here's a snap... ... just fill it in at the moment so it's not too ...