Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sweltering and stitching

As you all may already know we here in SF are in our first heat wave. Slowly this week we have gained about 5 degrees everyday - and today is supposed to be the warmest yet. It is sure to get into the 100's out in the east bay and here in the city it will be in the middle 90's. The reason for this unusually warm weather is that the winds are coming from the NNE off the land and not off of the ocean.... Warm weather around here never lasts more than a few days and will dissipate by Sunday and be back into the 60's - I called my Mom on Sunday and it was 95 degrees in Ormond Beach and very windy. These winds were spreading all the wild fires in and around southern Volusia County.

Last night I worked on a bunch of things - the one I can show is the BPC -
here is an update snap -

While working on BPC the movie that I had on was "Love in the Afternoon" - 1957 with Gary Cooper and Audrey Hepburn. A cute movie directed by Billy Wilder. I really enjoyed the flick and Audrey look spectacular as always.

Here are today's snaps from the Gardens -

I really love all kinds of pine trees and there were so many different ones - this one is just a really nice short needle grey/blue coloured one.

You really can't tell but these are some giant lillies that stand about 4 to 5 feet tall, I am standing an shooting straight out at them. They are growing in a mass up a small rise, but still very big.

I am not sure what these are but there were masses of them and aren't they pretty!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

take care,


  1. Do I say this every time you mention Billy Wilder? That man's a GENIUS.

  2. Lovely shots of GGP. I think I'll be heading there this weekend to watch the craziness of the Bay to Breakers. Notice I said watch and not do B2B. :)

    I absolutely love Audrey Hepburn!

    Good progress on your's looking fantastic. That moss color really suits it.

    I am absolutely sweltering on the Peninsula. My apartment must be at least 80 degrees! Thank goodness for AC at work! =(

  3. Really pretty pics. Sorry you're sweltering, it's actually sunny/cloudy/rainy/breezy/chilly/warm here, and we even had hail today too...strange huh?!?!

  4. Yikes! I will pray no wild fires hit your area (or anywhere) during your heat wave. It is a little warmer in the NE, but cooled down a lot this afternoon and rain is a-comin' any minute now... sigh...

  5. Your BPC looks great.

    Everytime I visit your blog I am overtaken with the desire to stitch something quaker. I never have, but if I decide to it will be True Wisdom by Examplars of the Heart ;)


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...