Monday, April 17, 2023

A Little Finish and Beginning

 Gentle Friends,  I finished up TSotA over the weekend, and here's a snap...

"The Song of the Angels" - Needlework Press
40ct LL "Vintage Lentil"
Using the called for CC "Barn Door" and "Blacksmith Blue"

Now I've got to get the piece framed and then that's one present down for Christmas...  WooHoo!!

The piece I started after I finished TSotA is a more traditional sampler...  here's a snap of the start...

"Wild Roses" - Carriage House Samplings 
40ct LL Pearled Barley
Using the Called for NPI Silks

It's long and skinny as was the remnant of linen I'm stitching it on... so it'll fit perfectly.  The linen may be too long and when I come to that I'll probably end up just adding a row of roses or more at the bottom... just kinda winging it as it's a sampler "inspired" by an antique fragment from Pennsylvania that Kathy Barrick the designer came up with...again, I'll be doing my own thing at the bottom, and along the sides with some of the letters... and changing the name within the alphabet... That's a lot of changes but I'm keeping the roses and birds.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds1


  1. Dearest Edgar: Wow this is beautiful, the perfect fabric and color threads, I hope you show a photo of the framed piece.
    Nice progress on Wild Roses, I like so see how stitchers make changes.


  2. Song of the Angels turned out wonderful. Excited to see your creativity run wild with your new piece. Can't go wrong with roses (especially wild ones) and birds. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  3. Love your finish. Really like the design's overall spacing, very attractive. Anxious to see the changes you make on the new start. For me, it's routine, and either the fun part or the PITA part!!

  4. Beautiful finish, Edgar! You have made a wonderful start on Wild Roses.

  5. I love the style of the alphabet on your latest project. I have used a similar one on a sampler I designed myself. SofTA is very pretty.

  6. Love the finish - especially the font


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...